VCD Player - DVD disk : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have VCD players but want to purchase DVD disks - will they play or do I need to have a DVD player?

-- Deborah Robinson (, October 14, 2001


No, for the simple reason that DVD's are different types of media. DVDS are not CDs, but VCDs are. It's like a zip disk compared to a flopp

-- Micheal Mann (, October 14, 2001.

A DVD disc contains over 6 Gig of information, whereas a VCD only around 700 Meg. Therefore you will need a DVD player.

However, you may find that you DVD player says it supports VCD's. But ensure that it also supports CD-R's so that you can watch ALL of your films, especially if they are copies. Otherwise you will have spent a lot of money on something that can't play your VCD's.


The Boss

-- The Boss (, October 14, 2001.

hai sir

i want vcd cutter in my system

-- jagadish (, October 15, 2001.

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