Priest Lake N. Idaho region, hidden valley totally surrounded by Forest : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Who would like to live off-grid 13 miles from Coolin, Idaho, in Priest Lake country? A church is selling the land for below the market because they have no use for it anymore. $1700/ac OWC, discount for cash. No, this isn't as cheap as some parts of N. Idaho, but it is very special, given that Priest Lake region Panhandle National Forest Service inholdings are very, very scarce and Priest Lake area land is more valuable than land elsewhere in N. Idaho. Almost the whole unique Selkirk/Priest basin watershed is owned by the government!The land is a hidden valley with no visible neighbors, 15 acres in old growth timber, including rare western white pines you can't get your arms around, and the balance in pasture. Wild ginger and chanterelle mushrooms and trilliums grow undisturbed in the forest. There is a short deer trail on Forest Service land to an ancient cedar estimated to be around 500 years old. There is a distant view of the Selkirk Mts. The valley is something of a box canyon of narrow level valley, with Forest Service foothills hemming it in. A Forest Service road continues over 10,000s of acres of Panhandle National Forest, into the hills. Moose and grizz are regular visitors.
Water comes straight off Forest Service from three sources, and only passes by one neighbor's cabin upstream at the other source, meaning that you've got incredibly untouched water. Of the three sources mentioned earlier, one is a good year round spring that comes down the slope from 200 ft. up, and the other two are great big year round creeks with high banks. The fourth source is the one that the other sources run into. The confluences are on the property. There is hydro potential.
Power is only a few hundred feet away. Satellite phone or cell phone would be the only practical way to have telephone right now. There are a few building sites, and the road is pleasant and rolling, not a problem for 2 wheel drive. I hear that the owner of the homestead cabin is plowing the forest service road, so it would be year round access now. If it isn't, it is usually plowed within a mile of the property. 3-5ft of snow in winter, beautiful winters, not blustery, Zone 5 for gardening. My husband and I were caretakers there for the church. We loved the seclusion and beauty.
Coolin is a tiny town of about 200 on the southern shore of Idaho's "crown jewel," unspoiled Priest Lake.
If this sounds too good to be true, it isn't! Contact the church at, and address email to H. Baker, trustee. If you send email to me at I'll forward it. Anyone interested?
-- Catherine (, October 14, 2001
I know that country have camped in the area, on Priest lake and river, planted trees in the surrounding mountains. If I were younger and could stand those foggy winters I would be interested.
-- hendo (, October 14, 2001.
PS--There are 47 acres total.
-- Catherine (, October 14, 2001.
sounds beautiful!~~~ around how much would this cost?
-- andrea (, October 14, 2001.
At $1700 an acre, that's $79,900 for the 47 acres. That's the owner terms price, the church is discounting for cash.I understand the church is open to a long payment term, like 20 or 25 years. The trustee can answer more questions.
-- Catherine (, October 14, 2001.