chocolate-scented flower native to s.w. : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I saw a short piece of a gardening t.v. show (Rebecca's ?) and they were telling about a plant, native to the s.w. that has the scent of chocolate. Does anyone know what this plant is called and where I might obtain seeds or seedlings? Thankyou!

-- Margaret Jensen (, October 13, 2001


chocolate Cosmos, I'd bet

-- (foo@bar(.com), October 13, 2001.

There's also a chocolate mint plant, smells and tastes like chocolate, not sure where it's native to.

-- Rose Marie Wild (, October 13, 2001.

Margaret I have chocolate mint . If you will remind me I will send you some free plants in the spring. Indiana Friend Jack Bunyard

-- jack bunyard (, October 13, 2001.

Chocolate Daisy (berlandiera lyrata), native to the southwest higher elevations. Probably easy to find seeds, especially with southwestern oriented suppliers. You might also look at some of the seed exchange sites.

-- Dave (, October 14, 2001.

Jerusalem artichoke blossoms smell like chocolate.

-- Alison in N.S. (, October 14, 2001.

Anyone know where I can find chocolate mint plants (I live in Ohio)? Are there any online sources? I found one last year at one of our local garden centers but unfortunately it didn't survive the winter and when I went back this year to buy another I couldn't find one anywhere. Any ideas? Thanks! :)

-- Kimberly (, October 17, 2001.

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