Wanted- Bee Hunting boxes

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Wanted- homemade bee hunting boxes. Prefer old ones, but I am NOT interested in antiques. email: ekfla@aol.com

-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), October 10, 2001


I'm not completely positive, but I think in one of the Foxfire series of books, they wrote of the construction of these boxes. If you have the book, you might be able to build yourself.

-- j.r. guerra (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), October 11, 2001.

Thanks, j.r. I'll check next time I go to the library.

-- Elizabeth (ekfla@aol.com), October 11, 2001.

easy one to make,, a cigar box,, with honey or sugar syrup. keep in near another honey source, till a bunch of bees find it. When there are alot in there,, close the top, wait over night,, then early the next morning,, drill/cut a small hole in the box,, just big enough for one bees to squeeze thru. Then watch it fly,, it will circle at least once,, then head for home. Follow as long as you can,, then let out another one.

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), October 11, 2001.

Stan, just how far will a honeybee travel for nectar? I live in the country and have been seeing a lot of honeybees the past week or two on the goldenrod, but I know of nobody in the area that keeps bees. It would be nice to find a wild hive! :) Emory

-- Emory (NE PA) (et@hazleton.net), October 12, 2001.

usually about 2 or 3 miles max,, but if there has been some frost,, they will fly 5 miles ot find a source. Mine has been bringing in pollen, which is strange,, we have had killing frosts a few times now, so I didnt think anythingwas left,, must be though

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), October 12, 2001.

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