where can I get comfrey?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Please any help I can get in obtaining comfrey plants would be appreciated.
-- Lynnda (venus@zeelink.net), October 09, 2001
I have tons of it! Where do you want it sent? It only takes a "sliver" to get some started. You have to plant it where you will love it, because you'll never get rid of it!
-- Harmony Bullington (harmonyfarm57@hotmail.com), October 09, 2001.
please let me know how, when and where? :) I will be most happy to purchase it, also if you have cayenne pepper plant, that could be helpful as well. I am new to all this herbs and homopathy stuff and am starting from scratch. All the world events has me uneasy.
-- Lynnda (venus@zeelink.net), October 09, 2001.
I would also like to buy some if you have any extra. Thanks, Joanie
-- Joanie (ber-gust@prodigy.net), October 09, 2001.
I'm quite surprised at how many people have been requesting Comfrey starts....Where do you people live? On Mars (just kidding). Comfrey is so readily available here. I use it for mending sprains and strains. I'm going to have to check about shipping live plant materials across state lines though and to see what it will cost to ship....So I'll get back to you all, soon! Harmony
-- Harmony Bullington (harmonyfarm57@hotmail.com), October 09, 2001.
I sell Comfrey 10-root cuttings $9.95 postpaid. spring shipment only. Bruce Burdge P.O. Box 10 Jetersville, VA 23083, see my article in Countryside last spring.
-- Bruce Burdge (comfreybruce@richmond.com), October 10, 2001.
I have sold comfrey to forum participants this year. $9.95 for 12, 2 inch root sections Priority Mailed in a damp paper towell in a zip lock bag. I will provide my mailing address upon request by e-mail.
-- rick K (rick_122@hotmail.com), October 10, 2001.