American Muslims are clobbered with kindness : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

Wash Post reports.

-- Lars (, October 09, 2001


The Washington Post is a tool of the CIA. This article is bogus.

-- (Osama@pajama.rama), October 09, 2001.

From the last paragraph of the NOW statement---

Above all, we cannot allow the terrorists to goad us into terrorizing others -- like those who are reportedly lashing out in misplaced anger against neighbors and co-workers because of their perceived national origin or religion. In our national response to these brutal acts, let us have the strength of character to remain true to the ideals we hold most precious: our commitment to tolerance, religious liberty and equality for each of us, in all of our diversity. Let us leave hatred behind as we rebuild our community together.

Relax ladies.

-- Lars (, October 09, 2001.

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