Bead source--good places to find them? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I went to a Christmas shop that sells nothing but Christmas--year round. I saw these cute little ornament hangers--6 for $40.00! The hangers are just twisted wire with a 'crystal' bead in the center. Went by our local craft store and picked up some silver floral wire a package of nice beads and came home and made some! I have decide to make a package of one doz. and give as gifts. The wire was 30pcs. for 1.00 and I cut the wire in half and the beads were about 25cent each. Glue for the beads---total cost less than 30 cent each! The problem is there wasn't a very nice selection of beads/crystals!Any ideas where I can look? I will start looking in second hand stores for old jewery, tomorrow!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (, October 07, 2001
Try Fire Mountain Gems, ph: 1-800-423-2319
-- Sandra Nelson (, October 07, 2001.
I bead regularly and often get beads at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. If there is a college town or town of any size nearby, look in the phonebook for "Beads". We have a shop that actually makes their own beads, which are nice for accents. Wal-Mart's here have started getting a pretty good basic selection in their craft department, too.
-- Ivy in NW AR (, October 07, 2001.
All kinds of stuff like that on Ebay, as well.
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, October 07, 2001.
I suggest a websearch.Here is what I had bookmarked:
-- Joy F [in So. Wisconsin] (, October 07, 2001.
-- Joyce (, October 08, 2001.
I've seen them at Jo-Ann fabrics as well, in their craft section.
-- Leann Banta (, October 10, 2001.
Try shipwreck beads at
-- z in WA (, October 11, 2001.