I want to buy Checkered Giant or NZ RED rabbits

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi! I have raised rabbits for many years. My grand-daughter wants to show rabbits at the fair and mine are not show quality. Is there anybody in a reasonable distance from Southeast Kansas with either Checkered Giant (her favorite) or New Zealand Red Or White rabbits that are nice enough for a local county fair?? Thanks.

-- Karen in Kansas (kansasgoats@iwon.com), October 07, 2001


Karen, Do you have an ARBA yearbook? It lists all of the breeders for each state and the breeds that they raise. If not, and no one else knows anyone, email me and I'll look up some Kansas breeders for you.

-- Tracey (trjlanier@cs.com), October 07, 2001.

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