Need felt making : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have decided that I must learn to make felt. Got a small book on the subject, and have saved wool and short angora fiber to use. I just would love to hear from someone who does it and get some tips and ideas. For now I would like to maybe make some mittens, and maybe even just some flat peices of felt for crafts...little heartshaped pillows to embroider on, etc.. Anyway...I have the sheep, angora goat, and angora rabbits, and the time...can anyone help?? Thanks so much!!
-- Jenny (, October 07, 2001
Look at Everything you need to know -I think. I don't know anything about making felt, but found this site a few weeks ago by accident. When I saw your question, I looked it up again. Hope it helps.Russ
-- Russ Whitworth (, October 07, 2001.
Jenny, you are not alone in wanting to learn this craft. I'm a spinner and buy wool right off the sheep from a nearby friend. I wash, dry, comb and spin it. As you know, there is a lot of the fleece that doesn't go into the spun wool. I'd love to learn to make felt to use in making slippers and other projects. There have got to be some good books on how to do this but I don't know what they are.
-- Carol - in Virginia (, October 07, 2001.
There is a book out called felting by hand by Anne vickrey which is great, even has patterns for mittens, slippers ect.Points, use real soap flakes[ in a pinch flakes ivory soap shavings ]use hot water, some sheeps wool felts better then others[ same with angora]put plastic wrap under and on top helps hold heat in when rubbing. A friend in my old spinning group made the most beautifull vest out of died wool which she won fist place at the fair on. Practice by making felt balls ,there easy and good to practic on and fun to play with.hope this helps.
-- kathy h (, October 07, 2001.
I met a spinner over the weekend who was selling some handknit items including felted hats and mittens. She said she didn't do the elaborate felting process but simply washed them in the washing machine. They looked really nice.
-- Katherine in KY (, October 08, 2001.
I found a pattern for knitted and felted..(you make them really big and wash them in the washer) clog style sandals. I want to make them for sure.....thanks for all the tips about finding info on feltmaking too. I did get the Anne Vickery book now, and have checked out the websites. I am going to DO IT this weekend!! Thanks!!
-- Jenny (, October 09, 2001.