House and Farm for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
We have a house and farm for rent in Northern Kentucky. It is one hour from Cincinnati and 1 1/2 hours from Lexingotn, Ky. 72 acres, chickens, goats, greenhouse, root cellar, large garden space. 4 bedrooms, 1 bath, partial basement. Anyone interested, please let me know.
-- Teresa High (, October 06, 2001
Hi Teresa, sounds nice. What county/town is it in? Also how much are you renting it for? We may be interested.
-- Ria in Ky (, October 06, 2001.
hi theresa i realize it is 2001 when you posted this but wondering if you still have it available? thanks burt
-- burt hetterick (, February 28, 2002.
Sounds perfect I live in cincinnati right now please email me and give me your phone number to get more info
-- Chris Reckman (, March 07, 2002.
Wow, i cant believe I didnt see your post when it was posted ,,, months ago.. do you still have your land? Will you do owner fian.?
-- Kristean Thompson (, March 19, 2002.