silkie chicks for sale in Northwester : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have 15 silkie chicks in a variety of colors ages ranging from 31/2 months -2 months. Due to the shipping crisis I am no longer able to sell through the US mail. If anyone is interested in them I would like $2.00 a piece and would be willing to drive part way for an exchange if it is not to far. I am an hour away from Erie, PA and very close to the Ohio line, Conneaut,Ohio. Thanks
-- tracy (, October 06, 2001
There was a post on the 4th stating that there was a temporary extension on sending poultry through the mail.
-- mitch hearn (, October 06, 2001.
I allready contacted my post office. Had a lady from Hawaii that wanted all of my chicks. The closest airline that is accepting chicks is an 8 hour drive. It would be almost impoosible to have them get there within a 24 hour period let alone the cost is triple.
-- tracy (, October 08, 2001.