Buckwheat As A Winter Covercrop???greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I seems to remember reading somewhere that buckwheat makes the best winter cover crop to be tilled in come spring. Something about that it is very high in nitrogen. Is this so, or did I just dream I read it? Where can you purchase buckwheat this time of year?
-- Karen (db0421@yahoo.com), October 05, 2001
buckwheat takes a lot of nitrogen out of the soil. It is a good cover crop if you are going to plow it in the same year you plant it. I would not use it for overwinter because it kills with a light frost. go with a clover of any other legume. Winter rye is also good but supplies no nitrogen. good luck.
-- phillip (raines@rainesridgefarm.com), October 05, 2001.
I planted some buckwheat this fall for the first time.The advantages according to some information I found are;It grows so fast it supresses any weeds,it makes phosphorous more available,improves soil tilth,retains soil moisture.erosion control.It takes 60 days to mature and is killed by the first frost.I planted with rye and hopefully the rye will take over when the buckwheat is killed which will probably be this weekend.It did extra well in shade. Keith central Illinois
-- Keith Etheridge (grandpa@chipsnet.com), October 05, 2001.
I don't know much about buckwheat as a cover crop but, I was wondering if anyone knows which one is best for lower Alabama gardens. Last year we planted crimson clover but only because the seed were available. I don't know much about what it does for the soil. Take care.
-- Faye (rcart@millry.net), October 05, 2001.
Buckwheat is a very tender plant so if you have frost/freeze... it will die out... however, I have noticed that when I disc it in in the fall... the spring time will find some buckwheat to germinate...here in central Wisconsin, I plant winter rye just for the green cover crop... correct it supplies no nitrogen per say... your clovers would have to do that... but for garden I do not plant clovers...
buckwheat for 50# ran us $24.00 per 50 pounds this fall... it was certifiable organic too... but for the average garden you do not need that much... my garden is about 1/4 -1/2 acre... and I plant heavy... and have done it with about 10# of seed...
I keep buckwheat in part of my garden, the fallow part just for the bees...
-- Yarrow (lovelyladyofrenassiacne@hotmail.com), October 07, 2001.