..CATTLE PANELS (NEED INFO ON THEM)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have been reading alot about cattle pannels, where can they be found in NY, and what about stainless steel chicken wire, hoping for some of those also. What is a good breed for the area? thanks..
-- rae poli (poliriva@yahoo.com), October 05, 2001
Any farm supply store should have cattle panels. They are to expensive to make long runs of fence out of, but they make a nice short term pen, quick fence repairs. I also use them in the garden for climbing plants to grow on.
-- Gary (gws@redbird.net), October 05, 2001.
Cattle panels are 52 inches high and 16 feet long, made of 1/4 inch round steel rods welded together, some have tighter rod spacing at the bottom, to control smaller animals; others are equiped with same size through out. Any farm co-op, or feed supply house should have them, averageing at $16.00 each or often on sale at $12.00 or in that neighborhood.
-- mitch hearn (moopups@citlink.net), October 05, 2001.
I used them to fence in my garden. My dogs love veg. LOL they even eat the hot peppers. anyway spray painted the pannels dark green and you don't really notice the fence. It kind of makes it invisable next to the dark green tomatoe, adn pepper plants.
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), October 05, 2001.
Central tractor now Quality farm and fleet has them .They have stores in NY .What county are you in ?
-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), October 05, 2001.
I think a recent issue of Countryside also had an article of someone who built a hoop with cattle panels . . . allowed vines to grow up the sides / roof, and planted ground below, giving shade to the bottom plants, and kept the vine fruit off the ground. The shade cut down on the amount of watering too. Really clever idea; anyone remember the issue number? I read it during the past year, but I purchased all the back issues I could; maybe it was long ago.
-- j.r. guerra (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), October 05, 2001.
We live in Central New York and Agway here sells the panels. They also deliver them free, a big plus as they are 16' long!
-- Kate henderson (kate@sheepyvalley.com), October 05, 2001.
stainless steel wire is more of an industrial item. You might check with Grainger Industrial Supply. www.grainger.com
-- Randy Sauter (randysa@ci.middletown.oh.us), October 05, 2001.
The panels with small squares at the bottom that become larger as they get to the top are called "combination panels". There are also hog panels that are small rectangles through out the whole thing somthing like 2x6 rectangles and are only 30" there abouts high by 16' long they are great with hogs or for the bottoms of pens for goats with horns (they can't rip them up with their horns).
-- Mt Storm (storm@rconnect.com), October 06, 2001.