Market Goat Wethers (Goats - Meat) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My 11yr old daughter has decided she would like to show Nubian Boer crosses. We have found a breeder close by but I have questions about nutrition that either they can't or won't answer. Type of feed, they just say Cabritto and some type of minerals.

After watching several goat shows, you can see the difference in these goats. Some I am sure is genentic but I know alot is contributed to care, diet and exercise of these animals.

I have been a lurker here in the past few months and always read all the goat post. I always read everything Vickie has to say, thanks for being so helpful here. I am hoping someone can point us in the right direction so I can help educate my daughter.

Thanks in advance

-- Kate Davis (, October 04, 2001


Uh, cabrito is Spanish for GOAT MEAT! Yummy. Boer crosses are "beefier." Good luck!

-- Gailann Schrader (, October 04, 2001.

Find out from the local kids where they are buying their winning stock from. Beware of Cabrito (Acco is notorius for having animal by products in their ruminent feeds)or meat goat type feeds, once again full of fish and feather meal. What area are you in? There are feeds in each area that are winners, here north of Houston all or most of the wins were devided between Terminator sold in Huntsville feed and the Champion Lamb sold at the New Waverly Feed store. All kids know which feeds to feed, what works in the area, and who to buy from, be it goats, chickens or hogs. Once again find a kid, perhaps a kid graduating High School who would like to mentor your daughter, pay him or her for their time, teaching your child showmanship. Do not buy from somebody in your county who has kids in the show, you simply will not get good information or a good competetive goat. Remember the end result is money, not like in dairy where it is hard work, breeding for several years. Most winning stock is at least 3/4th boer if not a little higher, to high and they are to fat to fast. To much Nubian and you have to long of legs. Go to goatandsheeprancher on and join, also Ourgoatbarn. These gals eat and sleep boer, show commercial stock, breeding stock and sell wethers. Learn about the jackpotshows in your area, the real money makers, usually a split the pot type show with winner taking nearly all the entry fees. Alot more to boers, and showing, both meat and dairy than the local show. Really can't express enough how important it is for you to have a local mentor, someone with a real interest in seeing you win. And yes genetics plays the biggest part, you can't pack the meat on something with poor conformation. So take someone who is knowledgeable with you to buy. Don't buy just one, competition at the feed bucket is the key also. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, October 04, 2001.

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