Check out this (gardening) book! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
In the "New Books" section of our town library was "Reader's Digest Organic Gardening for the 21st Century" This book had knocked my socks off. Its a gorgous book about growing vegtables, fruits, herbs and flowers organically- using hand tools-its geared to the backyard gardener, but one of the plots they digramed apparently feed a family of nine on three acres-they included some animals. Not quite as detailed as Rodales Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening-but easier to read. Lots of good information. I couldn't find it on Amazon, and I can't find a price-my guess is because of all the beautiful photographs it would be pricey, but definatly see if your library has it-it gets my vote for book of the month.
-- Kelly (, October 02, 2001
Kelly:I was real interested in the book you discussed and went looking for myself. I did find it on In the search...put Organic Gardening for the 21st pulled it up...the photo when enlarged says...Reader's Digest Organic Gardening for the 21st Century. The cost is $21.00 but they have 2 used ones starting at $14.00. Also in case you want to search by ISBN# it is 0762102969. The publishing date is Feb 28, 2001. I plan to buy one...Thanks for letting "us" know about it.
-- Krista from Richland, Oregon (, October 03, 2001.
Kelly -- I went to Chapters today in Calgary and bought this book -- wonderful stuff!!!! I'm already planning next year's garden...DH is looking at me funny because he figures it's a bit early (or a bit late, depending on your viewpoint!!)Thanks for the great reference!
-- Tracy Rimmer (, October 08, 2001.