confused about air pressure in well pressure tank : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm replacing the pump on my shallow well and it says that I need to set my air pressure on my pressure tank to 28 psi. I've been setting it to about 50 and I thought that once I got the new pump on I would set it to something like 65.

It says it has something to do with the 30/50 pressure switch. My impression is that this switch sends power to the pump when pressure drops below 30 and turns the pump off when pressure gets above 50.

I'm so confused.

-- Paul Wheaton (, October 01, 2001


It's been a long time since I've posted on here but since I just went through this, I thought I'd jump in. Naw, you're not confused, just disoriented. The 28 pounds is the pressure on top of the bladder on the pressure tank, not the pressure switch. Everything else, in the second paragraph, is right. I don't know what type of supply pipe you have but IF you have a Quest type (flexable pipe) you might want to keep the lower pressure of 50 pounds to keep from blowing the connectors loose. Any other pipe, raise the pressure to whatever you want. Hopes this clears away the cobwebs and that I didn't misread your question.


-- JackD (, October 01, 2001.

Greetings, it's long since i set one up and it's not clear what steps you took/order just be sure to set air side pressure with no water pressure on the lower side, none. Here is a site with some more info (not mine) Enjoy Stefan

-- Stefan (, October 03, 2001.

The bladder pressure is 2lbs less than the pressure set for the pump to cut on. My pump cuts on at 20lbs, so the bladder pressure is 18lbs.

-- Paul Moore (, April 01, 2002.

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