Just wondering why folks are leaving Douglas CO., MO??greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
OKay... I have noticed that there are 3 different places listed for sale within the threads of CS forum... and all three of these folks... are from near Ava, Missouri...so my question is multi questioned??? is there something happening or coming into the county that folks are leaving????
is the enviroment or ideal living causing conflicts with locals???
is a nuclear reactor or toxic waste in the county or forth coming???
or is it that we have lots of forum folks from Douglas county???
I'm not being critical... but curious... just if I could sell my place here in Wisconsin... I would definetly be heading south to at least one of the places listed!!!!! I like these homesteads!!!!!
so ... just wondering why folks are leaving Douglas CO., Mo???
-- Yarrow (lovelyladyofrenaissance@hotmail.com), October 01, 2001
The problem is that Douglas County only has one Factory now and if you have to work out then you may have to drive a ways to go to work. You cant do any crop farming on a large scale here because of the lay of the land. But by far as im concerned its a great place to be. I lived in Douglas county for 18 years, and now live in the next county.Wright. Have a good day.dale
-- dale (dgarr@fidnet.com), October 01, 2001.
Yep thats the answer. I live in Howell County Mo and I love the Ava area but there is just no place to work.
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), October 01, 2001.
*Grin* I know both of the other ladies (who by the way, both of their places just sold). One of them moved here 3 years ago from Utah, and did not like the climate here as well, and they are moving back home. The other's hubby left here and she is unable to support herself here, she raises and trains German Shepherds (as do we) and this is NOT German Shepherd country! She is also going back home, to Arkansas. Jim and I aren't going anywhere, we moved here 2 years ago and love Douglas county, but we want a bunch more land. In Douglas County. Both Jim and I can work anywhere, so the factories closing don't effect us. This is a beautiful area, and a great and safe place to live. CJ Tinkle
-- CJ Tinkle (cjtinkle@getgoin.net), October 01, 2001.
Grew up in SE IA, cross the Des Moines and We're in Missouri. I'd call it coon dog or beagle country!!
-- DW (djwallace@ctos.com), October 01, 2001.
Well... can't speak about MO, even though we are close to the border in northern AR. however, since w emoved here in May from the East I have an idea its like western NYS, not many jobs, economically challenging as a result. For example, I teach special ed, moved here thinking it would be like in the East, big demand, but its not, in fact I called a lot of schools in Ar and Mo and they don't ahve any severe disabilities openings or lower than learning disabled or emotionally disabled. Bernice
-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), October 01, 2001.
Hello Yarrow, We live in Ozark County and personally I think that Douglas County is too flat. We like the more mountainous terrain here. Sincerely, Ernest
-- http://communities.msn.com/livingoffthelandintheozarks (espresso42@hotmail.com), October 01, 2001.
As everyone said job availability is the main reason for people to leave Douglass County, MO. Ozark Co. has a few more places to find employment but their still isn't a lot here either. Ozark County has a lot more wood and mountain terrain then Douglass, soooooo if I have to be in MO. then I'm glad I'm doing it in Ozark County. Land prices arn't to bad their either.By the way Earnest I can't seem to be able to get on your web site so I could figure out just where you are in Ozark County.
-- sally stanton (mallardhen67@hotmail.com), October 02, 2001.