Reject Odd or Even Field in TMPEGenc : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread


How can I drop the odd or even fields in my video? The source files are DV files (avi) that are 720x480. I'm using Tmpegenc to convert them into mpeg-1. I want to drow one of the two fields to get 305x240.

The reason for that is I get double edges whenever the scene is panning. The way I understand it is that because the camcorder records interlaced video, so when the two fields are combined to creat a 720x480 avi video, the edges look look like doubled (one from the odd field one from the even field due to fast moving scenes). When Tmpegenc convert the avi to mpeg-1, it does not automatically correct for it. Or at leat I don't know how to configure it to correct for it.

Any help would be appreciated!!


-- Chunyu (, October 01, 2001


You get double edges because TMPGenc is not reading the correct field order. To test for this, double-click deinterlace and choose even-odd field (field). Scroll the bar to some scene in your clip with fast motion. Hold down the right arrow to see how the clip progresses. If it judders (jerky movement, akin to two steps forward then one backward) instead of smoothly going sequentially from one field to the next, then close the deinterlace box, go back to advanced, and choose another field (if it was odd or A or top, now choose even or B or bottom, or vice-versa). This is arbitrary; you alternate between the two fields and choose whichever seems to give the smoothest motion. After choosing the correct field order, choose double adaptation in the deinterlace dialog (in my experience gives the smoothest, sharpest video for VCD purposes). The biggest differences will be noticed with film-sourced NTSC video. NTSC DV AVI type-1 is normally field A first. In film-sourced PAL video, since both fields in a video frame are part of the same film frame, not difference either way whichever field is read first.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, October 01, 2001.

Thanks, Mehmet! I will try what you suggested. - Chunyu

-- Chunyu (, October 01, 2001.

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