sheet music-stairway to : LUSENET : Free Music : One Thread |
I am looking for sheet music(preferably flute) to stairway to heaven by led zepplin. If you know where I can find it please email me at thanks
-- Maxine Philips (, September 30, 2001
me too
-- (, January 26, 2002.
hello i am amelia and i am also looking for the flute part. if you have found it please tell me how i can get a copy. thanks amelia
-- amelia stoddard (, March 01, 2002.
i would appreciate iof someone sent me the sheet music for the Led Zeppelin version as he sings it, thx. (flute)
-- Barrett Froc (, March 30, 2002.
please send me if you find it! please please!
-- kathy (, May 05, 2003.
me too
-- Nicole (, January 23, 2003.
Me as well, if at all possible...ironic, I'm sure, seeing as my email address says "bass player." lol
-- Sparks (, February 18, 2004.
He guys, Guess What. I found the intro for flute to stairway to heaven! It is at: have fun!
-- sara edwards (, June 16, 2004.