F4 1+1greenspun.com : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread |
Hi guys, just wondering for those with an F4 1+1, how useable is the rear seat? I have never seen the 1+1 in person, but it doesn't look much different from an F4S... in other words, looks like quite a minimal rear seating area. Thoughts?Thanks, Ramana
-- ramana (lagemann@bc.edu), September 29, 2001
Well, the seat is more an excercise of style rather than a place to carry the one you love. I would recommend it only for short and fast rides. Terrible for the city or heavy traffic roads. Not bad at highway speeds but only for a short time. Good in winter but very hot on summer because of the exhausts going under the seat...Good luck,
-- Leo Font (f4s@ohime.com), September 29, 2001.
I agree with the analysis of Leo. If you want to use the duo seat often, then buy an other type of motorbike. If yu still want an MV then it might be better to buy a twin than a single seater because it can be ueseful to have the possibility to carry some one else. Besides I think that the second hand value of the bike will be greater.Patrick
-- Patrick Maes (patrick.maes@electrabel.com), October 01, 2001.
I too agree with the other comments. The bike looks almost the same as the single seater. I have taken my son on the back (17 and 5ft 11) and my wife (not telling and 5ft 8") both say OK for short trips but definitely NOT for touring!!, son complained that his legs were cramped, but he does have v.long legs. So if like me you want an MV but need to take a pillion to the races on the odd occasion, it's OK. At least you have the choice with a 1+1
-- willy (ginnyoneuk@yahoo.co.uk), October 01, 2001.
I carried a friend about 30k's through a mixture of highway and city streets. He said he found it a better ride as a pillion than on my honda cbr900, which surprised me.Matt.
-- Matthew Thompson (matthewt@nitor.co.nz), November 12, 2001.
Had my girlfrend on the back of my 1+1 today for the first time,we also have a ZZR,she found it very hard at first on her bottom then she got used to it(no choice realy i was not stopping),I think i know why the Italians made the rear seat that way,its to show your girls tight pert bottom perched delicatly upon the rear of your other baby,HA!HA!Think of every thing dont they,PERFECTION
-- charles richards (charlietr8@netscapeonline.co.uk), March 24, 2002.