Reparations : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

No amount of money can replace the 6000+ souls vaporized at WTC, the Pentagon and on the 4 airliners. But simple justice requires a gesture of contrition and compensation from all those even remotely connected to the terrorists. The financial losses caused by the attacks are enormous and are growing. These losses include buildings and physical property, jobs and permanent psychological and physical injuries. These losses are not only to faceless corporations but to millions of American citizens---workers and taxpayers.

The USA must seek reparations in the billions. From who? Since when did that question matter in the question of reparations?

We are talking group-guilt. Islamic nations of all ethnicities owe us. I propose that they be billed in proportion to their per capita wealth and their total wealth. I propose that we immediately terminate our $2 billion+ /year aid to Egypt until they cooperate fully with the US in bringing the terrorists to justice and until they publically apologize to the US in the name of Allah. I propose that Saudi Arabia, as the home of Bin Laden and as the recipient of billions of US money in oil revenues cough up $10 billion immediately. If they do not, we should withdraw our military from their grubby soil and leave them to the tender mercies of Saddam.

Reparations NOW!

-- Lars (, September 28, 2001


Further I propose that Islamic peoples of good will everywhere, mobilze voluntary, non-governmental assistance to the American (and foreign) victims of the Atrocity. This assistance could come by way of personal financial gifts, clothing and other material aid, volunteers workers similar to the type that Americans have been making to the entire world for decades.

How about local mosques in Islamic nations sending highly motivated young people to help beleagured New Yorkers clean up the mess (similiar to Habitat for Humanity)? While they are here, they could hold candlelight vigils for the innocent victims of Ismamic terrorism.

Jimmy Carter could coordinate. Jimmy?

-- Lars (, September 28, 2001.

We, the Koran-abiding citizens of Marakesh do hereby declare our solidarity with the victims of the WTC bombing and condemn those faux- Muslims who committed this atrocity.

To show our support for the American people, we do solemly declare that from this moment on we will buy all the towels for our heads from Bed, Bath and Beyond.

-- (Abdullah@Marakesh.Hilton), September 28, 2001.

The USA must seek reparations in the billions. From who?

If the .gov can institute forfeiture laws against those suspected of drug offenses then I've sure they'll find a way to snatch bin Laden's recently frozen bank accounts.

We are talking group-guilt.

GROUP guilt? Is this a new Dr. Laura concept?

Islamic nations of all ethnicities owe us.

What do you suppose would have happened if the people in Oklahoma City demanded that Tim McVeigh's family, friends, church, military buddies, hometown, etc. had to ante-up for his deeds? Guilt by association doesn't fly.

I propose that we immediately terminate our $2 billion+ /year aid to Egypt until they cooperate fully with the US in bringing the terrorists to justice....

What you propose is called blackmail. If we want Egypt on-board as an ally, it's not a good idea to piss 'em off by making preposterous demands.

....and until they publically apologize to the US in the name of Allah.

You've really gone off the deep end! Why should Egypt apologize for anything, especially in the name of Allah? Do they have a direct link to the Almighty to speak on his behalf that nobody but you knows about?

I propose that Saudi Arabia, as the home of Bin Laden......

Guilt by association again.

If they do not, we should withdraw our military from their grubby soil and leave them to the tender mercies of Saddam.

Uh....we kinda' need their high-tech air base at the moment. Why do you insist upon alienating those that we need as allies? I'm glad you're not in the business of negotiations or foreign relations. We'd have our ass handed back to us in shreds if YOU were in charge.

Reparations NOW!

I can just see you stomping your foot with indignation. When the Native Americans, Afro-Americans, and WWII interred Japanese-Americans demanded reparations where you first in line to jump on their bandwagon or were you a good Repugnican and told 'em to suck socks? Funny how the perspective changes when the proverbial shoe is on the other foot.

Further I propose that Islamic peoples of good will everywhere, mobilze voluntary, non-governmental assistance to the American (and foreign) victims of the Atrocity.

Yeah, and in the name of humanity I demand that every person of "good will everywhere, mobile voluntary, non-government assistance" to immediately rush in and rescue the women being persecuted under the Taliban.....but it ain't gonna' happen.

This assistance could come by way of personal financial gifts, clothing and other material aid, volunteers workers similar to the type that Americans have been making to the entire world for decades.

And how do you know that Muslims from around the world haven't already contributed to any one of the dozens of funds currently collecting funds on behalf of NYC and its victims? Hmmmmm.....?

How about local mosques in Islamic nations sending highly motivated young people to help beleagured New Yorkers clean up the mess (similiar to Habitat for Humanity)? While they are here, they could hold candlelight vigils for the innocent victims of Ismamic terrorism.

Now I know you're out of your mind. People in the U.S. are already jumpy and suspicious of the MidEasterners already here and you propose to send MORE? You want to just widely throw open the gates and let in the next wave of terrorists to become "sleepers", all under the guise of humanitarianism. What you propose is insanity.

Your emotions are getting the better of you. Your demands are totally absurd. Please get some rest.

-- UNbelievable (, September 28, 2001.


Thank you for your foam-at-the-mouth reply. It is exactly what I hoped to provoke. You are too easy.

-- Lars (, September 28, 2001.

Probably better to wait and tally up the damages after the mutual nuclear exchanges.

-- (@ .), September 28, 2001.

this is a good TIME ,to get a handle on=prohecy.

pleeeeeze mr.bush--don,t spread the troops too thin!!

and remember the story of goliath!!

-- al-d. (, September 28, 2001.


That kind of sounds like the Treaty of Versailles. Maybe this should be discussed further on the repeating history thread.

-- Jack Booted Thug (, September 28, 2001.


I wrote it as satire. Or I tried. Jonathon Swift I am not.

-- Lars (, September 29, 2001.

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