Looking for land in the midwest preferably in minnesota or wisconsingreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hi i have been lurking here for awhile and i have to say i love this site!! Well i Owned a glass and music store and just sold my half. I am apprenticing myself to learn how to blowglass and i also breed dogs. Me and my girlfriend Have been looking into moving on some land for awhile now cause we want to raise are dogs and so i can set up a nice studio out in the country. I was hoping that someone might have some land for sale on a possible contract for deed. We can put a huge down payment on the place and the payment are not a problem. Are goals are to get the land and start building our studios and house while still paying off the house and taking my apprenticeship in minneapolis.Electricity and water is not a must cause i want to go solar and generators anyways i do need the land to perc though. If anyone knows of any land preferably 20 acres or more but we will not turn down anything which can still satisfy us. I come here everyday as i love reading through the forum so either email me or i will check this back.Thanks David
-- David (drollb@aol.com), September 28, 2001
I'm from Texas but I've been to northern Minnesota. Do you know how nice a place that is? If you can get on a lake in northern Minnesota, you've got it made.I would look around in the northeastern part of the state, say from Park Rapids eastward to the Boundary Waters area. It's a beautiful place.
-- Rick#7 (rick7@postmark.net), September 28, 2001.
If you have a huge down payment why not get conventional loan? Might be able to get better deal on the rates then owner financing. Sounds like you will have fun life. Great hunting and fishing country.
-- ed (edfrhes@aol.com), September 28, 2001.
I think that one way to find land is to decide on an area, then get the local papers and free shoppers from that area, so you can check out the advertised land for price range, etc. Call some realtors, look at some places, just to get a better feel for the community or area. Talk to people in stores, co-ops, libraries, and other places you would frequent after you moved. Once you narrow down the area you want, then you can place "wanted to buy land" ads, or stop and ask owners of likely looking places if they want to sell. For this kind of search, you will need to get a plat book of the county. But, why do you want to move to Minn/Wis? We have cold winters, short growing season, woodticks, mosquitoes, and too many people already. Good luck. Jim
-- Jim (jiminwis@yahoo.com), September 28, 2001.
Well i already live in minnesota so i think i can handle the weather hehe thats actually why i would like to stay close by cause all my family is here. And i have tried to get a loan but the loan officers wont give loans on just land. they prefer a house on it. Also since i just sold my store i have no "recorded" income cause glassblowers usually just sell there stuff to people we know so theres no taxing invovled but shhhhh hehe. Anyways if anyone else has any ideas it would be helpfull.Thanks David
-- david (drollb@aol.com), September 28, 2001.
David, I live 40 minutes east of the twin cities, in Wisconsin. The land prices here have gone sky high, but it is a nice place to live. Lots of opportunity, if you can afford the prices, taxes, and live with the encroachment. Lots of light pollution too. Bummer. If there is any thing I can do, let me know and I will see if I can help. I can send you the names of some local realtors, but trust me, no one wants to do contract for deed over here, unless it's family. The market is too good to bother. Sellers can get their money and run. The upside is, it is a good area for marketing your products, and good culture to boot (not that I ever leave my hill). Good luck, let me know if I can help.
-- Joan (JTYTOR@pressenter.com), September 30, 2001.
i have ten acres in rural northern mn which may be for sale.
-- ron piekarski (rpie54@hotmail.com), October 30, 2001.
Are you looking for wooded? We just grabbed about 40 acres in Michigan and divided it between my brother, parents, and us. Not sure what we're going to do with it yet... It's lovely land, about 45 min. north of Grand Rapids in a quiet, private area. If you've considered MI, let us know and we'll mull it over.
-- Sherri in MI (bgames@ncats.net), October 31, 2001.