Cross breeding snakes with mink! : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I was thinking about crossing a snake with a mink for fur farming. That way I wouldn't have to kill the animal for his hide. I could just wait until it sheds his skin. Figured that I could get several skins off the same animal that way. Anybody have any advice on this?
-- r.h. in okla. (, September 27, 2001
Hey - This is a first. Never heard of a hairy snake, but you know, mink has a lot of oil secretion that makes the fur soft and it might be a good way to get snake oil. Then you could sell real snake oil with your boneless chicken once you figure out how to breed them. By the way, how ARE those boneless hens "holding up"???
-- Claudia Glass (, September 28, 2001.
Don't waste your time. I've already tried it. You don't get hairy snakes, you get scaly minks.... it's not pretty.....
-- Cheryl in KS (, September 28, 2001.
Are boas rejoining ladies fashions?
-- mitch hearn (, September 28, 2001.
I guess us animal rights people would be happy with RH's idea! :)
-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, September 28, 2001.
Someone has way too much time on his hands!!!!! LOL! This is so silly, but, after that strange post yesterday, we need silliness! God bless!
-- Ardie from WI (, September 28, 2001.
I'm having trouble figuring out how you would catch something that slick and that wiggly!
-- Soni (, September 28, 2001.
A couple of years ago you could have gotten a massive cash grant to study this matter. Too bad it is not politically correct any more.
-- Ed Copp (OH) (edcopp@yahoo.come), September 28, 2001.
I think the real future is in the fur covered fish on those postcards from Montana. Then again, the postcards from Idaho have potatoes so big they take up a flatcar apiece! Must be the vibes from the National Atomic Laboratory.LOL
-- Catherine (, October 14, 2001.
Ready made winter mittens!!! Awesome!
-- julie f. (, October 14, 2001.