Are you all doing okay? : LUSENET : Xanadu : One Thread |
So, you know how I'm doing. Are things okay where you are? Are things getting back to normal in your life?
-- Angie (, September 26, 2001
Things never really left normal, really. A bit of TV to see what's going on... Yes, it's a tragedy, but I know no one in NY or Washington, and while I was crushed, stunned into disbelief by the images I saw on 9/11, the best thing I could do is make my donations to help out, and then get on with my life the best I can.We're Americans, damn it, and we're stronger than THAT. I know I am.
-- Matt (, September 27, 2001.
I can understand the sentiment that it's time for those of us who weren't directly involved, to get over it. I know that we have to stand up and start moving like nothing happened. If we let this sit for too long we're going to really screw up our economy.
There is a group of women that live here in California that have taken Mayor Juliani's(sp?) invitation literally. They're planning a large shopping trip to New York that should take place in the next few weeks. It's a really neat idea, and it would boost their economy. I've flirted with the idea of going, myself.
-- Angie (, September 27, 2001.