On cbs last night they talked about the probability of germ or cemical warfare in states,does anyone have a idea how to pretect ourselves

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Hi everyone, I"m hearing more and more about terrist doing a germ or cemical thing on us, small pocs, amthrax, and names I can"t even pronounce,also atom in suit cases. I read once something about Iodine and potasium, for fall out. some one mention a antibiotic that you could buy at the feed store, and take one mil, come back on who ever you were, I would like some input on this, as I have lots of grand children and family I would like to try and protect. Also something about silver protein , I will print off all imformation that would help us and you. Isn"t it hell that this country now is in such danger.Please don"t delete this, as we all need all the insite we can get. Love Irene

-- Irene texas (tkorsborn@cs.com), September 26, 2001


Their are many sites, one is www.millennium-ark.net. Especially when children are involved, preparation may include coloring books, games, a favorite toy or blanket. My "kit" includes a story book that they about had memorized when they were small. If we have to spend much time in a shelter, diversions may be welcome. Also try survival- center.com. Wishing you well.

-- Lynn (lynnannmb@hotmail.com), September 26, 2001.

What to do in the case of germ warfare: Bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

-- Kathy (catfish201@hotmail.com), September 26, 2001.

would depend on what it is,, chemical, or bio. How close you are,, and how long it lasts. But a minimum, a REAL good water filter, if it got into the water supplyu, would be a must

-- stan (sopal@net-port.com), September 26, 2001.

Dear Irene,

In the case of any kind of nuclear "event", taking potasium iodate helps "flood" the thyroid so it cannot absorb radioactive particles.

The best website to get information and order the stuff is at:


There isn't much one can do in a chemical attack if you are near the release point. If you are on the fringes, having a gas mask and protective (tyvek) clothing might keep you safe long enough to get away.

For most biological agents, you should have a supply of doxycycline or tetracycline for each family member (Cipro is the absolute best but is pretty expensive: $1-$5 per pill and you need 120 per person). You would start the antibiotics at the first rumor of biological attack: when symptoms appear, it is already too late.

There is no protection against smallpox other than vaccination (impossible at this time as the US has fewer than 7000 doses until 2004!!!) and isolation, but anthrax or plague may be survived if you start antibiotics early enough.

Also to include in your preparations would be a good shortwave radio or CB - some way to keep informed. One excellent website where intelligent people are discussing all the "what ifs" and "how tos" is at www.timebomb2000.com They are getting a LOT of new people checking in because they are scraed and need solid news and information on preparing for dark scenarios that no longer seem so far-fetched.

In my opinion, being AWAY from major targets is the best defense - we moved from the LA area in 1999 and are counting our blessings we followed our dream and "went rural"!

-- Elizabeth (elizabethmorgan@usa.net), September 26, 2001.

The best defense is a good offense!

-- Dawg (Dawg@not.com), September 26, 2001.

Have you ever thought about what might have happened if the terriost would have poisoned several sources of drinking water first before bombing the world trade center? That 6000 wtc deaths would have looked puny compared to the millions of death that poisoning could have caused. They arrested one person who was aquiring information about useing crop duster planes. What would have happened if he succeded and crop dusted all of new york with amtrax?

-- r.h. in okla. (rhays@sstelco.com), September 27, 2001.

Do a Google search on-line about it.

The proper spelling is 'Anthrax' and 'Small Pox'

-- someone (spelling@home.com), September 27, 2001.

For the chemical attacks they only solution is not to be there. A gas mask is slight option if you know when and how to use it. Its not the perfect solution for kids and is only used to get out of the area where the chemical attack is. Most mask have 3hr filters.

Most bio attacks would not kill on the spot, but have fast inubation times. MOst however have vacines. So if you can get to the vacines fast enough you might survive. Ebola is pretty nasty. Some variants are survivalable, some are not and have a couple of day kill rate. If you get this strain, your best option is to stay away from everyone and make your peace with your maker.

For nukes, ist going to depend where you are when it happens, what way the wind is blowing, weather conditions. To close and it doesnt matter your dead. If your upwind and outside the blast zone you may have no issues. Down wind and you get the fallout. Rain/snow will minimize the radius of the fallout. Iodine can help with limiting radioactive absorbson, but nukes are long term issues that iodine is not going to solve.

-- Gary (gws@redbird.net), September 27, 2001.

Of the metioned threats above, I think biological / chemical will be our worst threat. Before you even you have been exposed, you are supposed to have been innoculated or have on hand the drugs that will allow you to survive. That is a tall order.

I remember reading in American Survival Guide (a now defunct magazine), of a case of Ebola nearly being released into the world. A nurse, working in one of the African countries with an outbreak, found out that she herself was sick with it. She panicked, and tried to leave the country via plane. The only reason she didn't make the flight was the visa took too long for her to survive.

Imagine how many people she could have infected on INTERNATIONAL flights and airports. Ebola has an extremely high rate of death, somewhere in the 90% of people infected don't survive. That is my definition of a real "slate wiper" - mankind would be devastated by that.

I think that the nuclear threat, though real, is a low terrorist threat now. The international community is quite focused on catching the terrorists and smuggling a nuclear device, along with the plutonium, across a border would not be easy. Much easier to smuggle something innocuous enough like an "empty" test tube or seemingly innocent ingredients for a chemical bomb.

These thoughts really give me the creeps. Have a good day all.

-- j.r. guerra (jrguerra@boultinghousesimpson.com), September 27, 2001.

You know, I wonder if the news media doesn't talk too much. Since September 11th, I have not listened to the news more than once a day. The stress of listening to "what if's" isn't going to do anyone any good. If and when something happens...we'll deal with it! Before getting upset about what is being said on TV, realize these people are not necessarily experts. They have to fill the time alloted to them. Now, this is just my opinion. God bless!

-- Ardie from WI (ardie54965@hotmail.com), September 27, 2001.

Mentioned on the radio yesterday: In case of chemical attack (and you're aware of it) head upwind, don't pause to put on a gas mask. Kind of silly to have to say it, when you think about it, but everyone expects remedies to be complicated. Just get the heck outa' Dodge.

-- Rheba (rhebabeall@hotmail.com), September 27, 2001.

In agree with Ardie. There are too many "What If's" going around. If and when these major disasters occur, we will deal with it. No need to run around in a panic and worry about something that might never happen. Just my opinion.

-- cowgirlone (cowgirlone47@hotmail.com), September 27, 2001.

Has anyone here ordered from the site mentioned earlier www.ki4u.com?

-- Terry - NW Ohio (aunt_tm@hotmail.com), September 27, 2001.

I just got an email yesterday about this subject. One of the best drugs for anthrax is Tetracycline. The dosage the person gave was 2 250 mg. capsules 4 times a day for adults. Tetracycline can be purchased through pet supply places without a prescription. It is called Fish Cycline and sells for $8.00 for 100 capsules. Of course it is labelled for aquarium use only, but one catalog said it is manufactured by same company that makes human tetracycline for pharmacies. Very obviously for emergency consideration only and use at your own risk. Try KV Vet Supply or lambriarvet.com.

-- madge (madge@hotmaill.com), September 27, 2001.

I'll admit to thinking *a lot* about these "what ifs" since the attack. I'd probably be better served to take Ardie's advice but it's not my nature unfortunately. Conversely, I think it's wise to be aware and at least somewhat prepared and informed. Have some sort of a plan of action if a biological attack were to happen. If it's anthrax, and you're not in the attacked area, it's not an issue because it's not communicable. Most of us don't live in potential target areas. If it's smallpox though, that's a different breed of cat. Extremely communicable with a long enough incubation period to wreak havoc. Little to no vaccine is available and we're a "naive" population, our old childhood vaccines no longer provide immunity. If it breaks out, think what may happen...quarrantine, martial law, travel restrictions, curfews etc. What does that mean? Be prepared to stay at home without "essential services" until it is brought under control. Seems to me like similar preps to Y2K but hopefully the power would stay on. Thinking through this and making some preparations and raising my awareness reduces my anxiety level by giving me a way to take positive, common sense actions. I think these two agents are the most likely to be used, nukes and ebola are significantly less likely thank goodness!!

-- Susan (smtroxel@socket.net), September 28, 2001.

Thought about this myself. Scares me !! Don't like having to leave home anymore. I had read one time that more than likely when a diaster hits you will not be home when it happens. Guess you should really keep certain supplies in your car or office space. But..when you time is up...your time is up...just don't keep long records with God...I feel now, maybe foolishly, that probably now is the best time to fly with all of the security and everyhting at the airports. It's the "nuts" still in this country that are planning on doing these terrible things. Hey...I realize too that American has done horrible things during a war but war is war and these people just started one with us !! I think a lot is going to happen in the next while to change some of our lives but I guess it is the daily routine that will give us our strength through all of this nighmare. Just really really glad that we have our own little piece of "heaven" and not living near a large city at all. False security maybe...

-- Helena (windyacs@ptdprolog.net), September 28, 2001.

A friend of mine in the medical proffession sent me the following websites that contain info about protecting yourself against terrorism. The Medicorps site had great info on exact antibiotic doses for each particular biological agent. I think this stuff is worth farmiliarizing yourselves with.

I think us rural folks have less to worry about than those who live in urban areas, but being prepared is wise and certainly can do no harm. Remember that the livestock supply stores sell antibiotics. Disclaimer: Of course, I am not reccommending you use them on humans.

Chemical issues: www.asod.org Biological issues: www.medicalcorps.org Radiological issues: www.pro-resources.net

-- Tiffani Cappello (Cappello@alltel.net), September 30, 2001.

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