greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Hello. I wanna know what´s happening with metal slug x. I can´t understand why this game don´t playback. What I need to do?? I´ve used mamed53. Thanks for the attencion.

-- INNUENDO (funit@bol.com.br), September 26, 2001


I think everyone's a victim of this game, it seems to go out of sync on the train world every time. No sound and nvram helps but you already know that. This is just a partially broken recording game. Nice points finding, btw!

-- Chad (churritz@crash.cts.com), September 26, 2001.

Easy:NeoGeo Giga Power playback engine is not-working;MAMEdev already knows this problem but finding an input patch isn't easy...

-- Kale (angelo.salese@tin.it), September 26, 2001.

And it´s forbidden if I take a snapshot to improve it in this case?? Because to know that I´m not liar, the last number is zero, what means that i´ve used just one credit. My english is bad. For example....

I´ve made 2237450! if i use 2 continues the point should be 2237452!

So, I have permission to put a snapshot, or I need to make a recording?

-- INNUENDO (funit@bol.com.br), September 26, 2001.

attaching a snapshot isn't going to help, because this is a recording site, not a snapshot site. The only thing to do is to wait for playback to be fixed on this game. Sorry.

If you think taking snapshots is okay, then why don't I upload one of my 3.9 million score on it?


-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), September 26, 2001.

yes. you´re right! thanks! :))

-- INNUENDO (funit@bol.com.br), September 27, 2001.

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