making grapevine wreaths : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Would you tell me your techniques for making grapevine wreaths. I have done it in the past, but they were kind of "loose". I have grapevines, here they still have their leaves. Specifically:

1. What time of year do you cut the vines and make the wreaths to avoid soaking the vines?

2. How do you hold the vines in place. I once used wire and twisted it in place each time I wound a brach around. It did OK, but was impossible to remove once the wreath was dry.

Thanks for your help.

-- connie in nm (, September 26, 2001


To avoid soaking the vines, you have to make the wreath just after they've been cut. If you're using wild grapevine, you can cut it any time. The best weaving is not the newest growth which is still green. If you're using cultivated grapes, you want to use the vines when they're pruned which is the early spring. Don't pick vines that are super thick (old) as they won't be very pliable. The more vines you use the tighter it will be. You shouldn't have to use wire to hold it if you twist the vine under itself as you make the rings. If you're having trouble keeping the vines flat (together to form the wreath), just loop one around the wreath like you would the wire. Good luck!

-- Katherine in KY (, September 26, 2001.

Just saw your question in the "old" archives. I make wreaths every fall, just after the first frost when the leaves are mostly off. I use a wild "wood vine"; have no idea what it's real name is. Not grapes, though. (I'm in central South Dakota). I cut the vines long, then wrap them around the base of a 5-gallon bucket. After I have a nice compact wreath, I pull it off the bucket and then wrap a couple more vines over and through the wreath to hold it together. Now is when I tuck loose ends in, clip off hard wood that won't tuck in, and refine the shape. Let it dry completely before hanging or else it will lose it's shape. Mine last for years! Good luck! Lynn

-- Lynn (, April 03, 2002.

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