Aldi laundry detergent-Any good? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just wondering if the liquid laundry detergent from Aldi's is any good. The price is right but I don't want to use it if it fades or streaks colors. I've used some detergents that leave blotchy places on colored clothes. Thanks, Nancy
-- Nancy (, September 25, 2001
I am kind of down on most of Sears stuff any more but their detergent is great and around here they have it on about 1/2 price sale about once a month. I am a mechanic and it gets the grease out.
-- Mel Kelly (, September 25, 2001.
I've used Aldi's liquid laundry detergent and it is okay but not as good as some of the others on the market. I have to use more to get the same results which more or less negates the benefits of a lower price
-- Dee (, September 25, 2001.
I have not heard of the brand you mentioned, but as a person who works with steel and iron on a daily basis and has clothes that resist any cleaning soap, I now use Ajax dish washing soap for laundry. It is the only thing that will cut the grease, even though on the bottle it states do not use for laundry because of too much suds.
-- mitch hearn (, September 26, 2001.
How much of the Ajax dish washing soap do you use per load Mitch? Does it create a lot of suds? My husband gets his clothes so dirty I'd like to give something new a try.Thanks!
-- Anna in Iowa (, September 26, 2001.
Anna, I get about 4 loads from the mid size bottle (about 9 inches tall) I do not have an empty bottle here now to tell you the ounces and I go to a coin laundry and use the larger machines. I have enough clothes that it is a once a month thing.
-- mitch hearn (, September 26, 2001.
We are farmers and truck drivers and get our clothes really dirty and greasy, and I have found that All works great for the money spent. It is the cheapest of all the name brand detergents and is 3.88 for 100 ounces at Walmart, and is 7.89 for 200 ounces if they have that size in stock.The no name brands just do not cut it for our use.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, September 26, 2001.