Osama bin Laden found by the CIA!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

-- The Toner (the.toner@home.com), September 25, 2001


If you live within five miles of Osama bin Laden, you're toast.

-- The Ghost of (P@ul.Milne), September 25, 2001.

In truth, Osama bin Laden was found by the CIA! Really!

Except they found him during the Reagan administration and thought he'd make a dandy operative. Kinda like General Manuel Noriega, come to think.

-- Little Nipper (canis@minor.net), September 25, 2001.

Hey, bin Laden!

Gimme a Slurpee or I'll poke yer eyes out!

-- dinosaur (dinosaur@williams-net.com), September 25, 2001.

"May I recommend the Camel Dung Delight? Very good. Omar's special recipe. You like, yes?"

-- dinosaur (dinosaur@williams-net.com), September 25, 2001.

OK, so it's a politically-incorrect stereotype.

I still enjoyed that one. :)

-- Stephen M. Poole (smpoole7@bellsouth.net), September 25, 2001.

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