land (looking for in CO) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm looking for 1 to 5 acres in Colorado. It needs to have access. It needs to be in the country. It also needs to NOT have restrictions. We would like to put a camper or mobile home. There must be some piece of property up there somewhere. We want to go where it's cooler and don't have to use the air conditioner all summer and fall. We are having to downsize quite a bit as soon both my husband and myself will soon be on disibality, and will not be able to aford the high utility bill much longer.
-- Ruby (, September 23, 2001
Try Weld county or NE Colorado.
-- DW (, September 23, 2001.
The next time you post a question it might help if you would be a little more specific about what you want in the wording of the question. For example, instead of saying just "land" you could say, "Seeking 1 to 5 acres, no restrictions, in Colorado."
-- Rick#7 (, September 24, 2001.
Try looking around Alamosa and east of there. It lies in the San Luis Valley. The water is plentiful as long as you stay in the flatlands. Their is a huge aquifer under the valley. Many of the water wells are artesian wells. Much of the land may not have power, but there is quite an abundance of it available at reasonable prices. Potatoes and Alfalfa are grown extensively there.
-- Mary Jo (, September 28, 2001.
Try around the Westcliffe area, also Pagosa Springs. I have lived in both areas, on that size acreage..and in developments with no restrictions. If you want to e-mail me privatly I can give you more details...or of to and run Westcliffe Colorado real estate through your favorite search engine.I am not a realator...nor do I play one on TV.
-- Lynette (, September 28, 2001.