fix for a bad data in AVI source file in real player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Films stop about half way through and i get the message "a fix for a bad data in AVI source file in real player". I'm on a network at work. Pleaseget back to me asap

-- felix ed (, September 21, 2001



did you ever get an answer on your fix for data data in AVI source file?

I just encountered the same thing in real player.......

-- eduardo cidade (, January 17, 2002.

I'm also facing the same problem in Real Player, but it doesn't open in Media Player or Quick Time either. Someone please inform.

-- Tiago Sebastião Zuhr (, February 08, 2002.

DivX fix

-- asdfasd (asdf@asdf.ent), February 24, 2002.

I tried Divx Fix and I couldn't get it to work for me...I don't know how to fix this real play bad avi source...all the other players won't even play my avi movie not even DIVX player. So what do I do? I am trying this new Japanese product called TMPGEnc to convert it to mpeg far it is converting it and letting me see it too..but I don't know what it will do when it gets to that bad sector in the avi movie.

-- J. Scott (, April 26, 2002.

I was in the middle of a really good movie and i got this message... i found posted your answers, but still have yet to find a solution on how to fix a bad file in an avi ... any luck yet

-- carolina lopez (, July 05, 2002.

If your using xp you need to run regedit and delete a key. then you can run DivxFix to see if there is a problem.

-- Evan (, January 14, 2003.

this is the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesCLSID{87D62D94-7183-4b9a9489-5FE6850DC73E}InProcServer32

-- Evan (, January 14, 2003.

I have download a rather large AVI movie file and was looking for ward to watching it in Windows Media Player, when I got a big suprise........

The movie plays but there is no sound or picture ???

Could anyone advise me on what is wrong/to do.

ny help appreciated. Thanks.

Please send replies to

-- James Harrod (, February 01, 2003.

its came to me and dont know what to do

-- salman f j (, January 18, 2004.

Hello, Since your file is *.avi Try using VirtualDub software (Free). Source sites: or Mostly it works. Don't forget to read the quick FAQ on their webpage. Now I have a question for you. I have a bad Real player file (*.ram) How can I fix that? Thanks, Viraj

-- Viraj S. Pandit (, February 13, 2004.

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