FL 85mm f1.8

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

Hi all,

I've recently come across, an old Canon FL 85mm f1.8 lens, boxed complete with all papers, Canon hard case, Canon Skylight filter and canon lens hood, all in mint condition, works beautifully, the quality of the optics and construction seem amazing, and was wondering if anyone had any idea how much it's worth, and how rare ( if at all ) it is.

Many Thanks

Alan Silverwood

-- alan silverwood (alan.silverwood@virgin.net), September 20, 2001



Check out ebay for the going price. That lens is worth quite a bit.


-- Billy Moore (bimoore@attglobal.net), September 21, 2001.

Buy one if you can. They are gorgeous! A good one runs $200 max but they are worth 5 times that in optical quality. Let me know if you get one. Phil.

-- Phil Meadows (silver-crest@msn.com), April 23, 2002.

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