How to put gate in the middle of barbed wire line fence : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We're lucky enough to have acquired an adjacent 10A pasture and will need a gate in the middle of the fence between our current pasture and that one. I have experience with building and repairing barbed wire fence, but have never cut a stretched fence in the middle for any reason. Putting in the gate posts without cutting and moving the wire could be done, but would be a painful process as I don't relish hand digging the holes. The wire could then be stapled to the posts and cut in the middle safely. But I wonder if there isn't other safe ways to do this that will allow us to use the post hole digger for the holes. Any ideas - all suggestions welcome!

-- Louise & Norah (, September 20, 2001


an easy way,, would be to put a post,, next to another,, dont dig it in. Then staple the wire to the new post. Cut the wire, between the 2 posts, instint gate, though the wire could get caught up, but should work, without alot of trouble. Then you could use some type of loop for the latch. Would all depend how much your going to use it.

-- stan (, September 20, 2001.

Stan - thanks. Your suggestion does work, I've done that on short run fences. I guess I should have added that the fence posts are T- posts, the run is about 1/4 mi and that I want to put a hinged metal- tube gate in.

-- Louise & Norah (, September 20, 2001.

If it's difficult to work around, go back to a corner post and release the wire there. Do this by putting fence stretchers on the wire and tighten the wire so you have slack to undo the wire at the corner post. Then go back and do your fence work where the gate is going in with the wires in place but no tension on them. When you are finished, restretch the wire from the corner post.

-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (, September 20, 2001.

L&N, the way we do this is;cut three small sticks,steeple the wire to one next to first post of your opening, move in about half way, put in the next stick,steeple this to your wire. move to end of opening, put in last stick,steeple this.[move over to get enough wire to wrap around the the stick before cutting and around each strand of wire on stick,] steeple the fence wire to your opening end post. then cut and wrap the wire around the last stick. this opening can be as wide as you need it to get to a post, the sticks in the middle keeps your wire apart,if needed add more sticks in the middle of your gate to keep the wires apart. next make 2 loops, one at the top of the opening post and one at the bottom. Put your stick in the bottom loop and hook the top loop over the end stick. we use barbed wire but you can use other kinds. one word of advise, if moving animals, they prefer a corner to go through. Lexi

-- Lexi Green (, September 20, 2001.

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