Florida Company Bans Old Glory From Offices

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Sunday, September 16, 2001 Florida Company Bans Old Glory From Offices

In a shocking example of out-of-control political correctness, a Boca Raton, Florida company ordered managers to confiscate American flags from employees' desks, calling them "divisive" symbols that might offend someone's tender sensibilities.

At a time when Americans all across the nation were being asked to display Old Glory in honor of the thousands who died in New York and Washington Tuesday, this outrageous assault on the company's employees' patriotism was justified by a top official of NCCI Holdings, Inc. as a gesture of compassion for those employees who might be offended by the sight of a flag for which tens of thousands of Americans laid down their lives to defend in past wars.

The company which monitors workers compensation insurance data, told its 850 Boca Raton employees that displays of nationalism had no place in the office.

"Divisive statements or actions, political or religious discussions and anything else that could be divisive or mean different things to different people are not appropriate in our work environment," wrote Chief Executive Officer Bill Schrempf in a memo to employees, according to the Palm Beach Post.

"It just boggles my mind that here in America or anywhere in America, one would be restricted from displaying it," one employee wrote in an e-mail to Schrempf a copy of which was sent to The Palm Beach Post. "Too many people these days, including yourself, it seems, seem to forget what the flag symbolizes and that many men and women served to defend that flag. I think you should show a little more respect."

Incredibly, one employee told the Post she was suspended and told to go home Friday morning when she refused to remove a small flag from her desk. The company refused to confirm whether it had asked any employees to leave, the Post reported.

NCCI spokesman Michael Bullard told the Post the company has a long-standing policy of prohibiting employees from bringing political or religious symbols into the workplace.

Fewer than 10 flags were removed from cubicles, Bullard said. "It seems to me only a small number of people are upset about this," he said.

Perhaps readers would like to let NCCI know that far more than a few people are upset over this disgusting display of anti-American bigotry. Their address is 750 Park of Commerce Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33487 and their phone numbers are (561) 994-8572 and (561) 997-1000. You can e-mail them through their website: www.ncci.com

-- (talk@about. pissed), September 19, 2001


You're two days out of date; they've already changed the policy to permit employees to have flags on their desks.

-- Stephen M. Poole (smpoole7@bellsouth.net), September 19, 2001.

Then there was the schoolbus driver in CA who was disciplined for showing the flag in his schoolbus after WTC. I'll post the link if I find it.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 19, 2001.

Dated or not thanks for the post.

Suspect there's a lot of this identity cowardice bubbling up and being examined. Not the cowardice of individuals but of corps and institutions who've done their best to sweep the balkanization of America under the rug.

Fella last week mentioned that with all the cars and trucks festooned with American flags he'd seen them driven only by "white" people. Afer a week of 65 mile per day commute I have to agree. Not many black folks here but we're 40+ percent hispanic. Makes a fella wonder.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), September 19, 2001.

Lot's of Latino's around here showing their patriotism.

-- (talk@about.pissed), September 19, 2001.

Carlos, saw a car yesterday from Mexico, had Sonora plates on it and written on the back window in spanish and english was this: "Mexíco está contigo, EEUU" Mexico's with you, United States and was flying the flag of both countries. Telemundo and Univision have had extended and first rate coverage of this tragedy. Here the Latino population seems more pro american than us white folk!

-- Rob (celtic64@mindspring.com), September 20, 2001.

sorry, *here* is Phoenix Arizona....

-- Rob (celtic64@mindspring.com), September 20, 2001.

Everyone, black, white, and otherwise, seems to be displaying a flag or other symbol of patriotism somehow. At the same time, there's precious few flags available here in Atlanta.

I can't help but wonder how many folks you are seeing without flags are driving without them because they can't find them.

-- Tarzan the Ape Man (tarzan@swingingthroughthejunglewithouta.net), September 20, 2001.

if ONLY, some could understand,,this is much Bigger than mans ability too solve.

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), September 20, 2001.

Good to hear Rob & talk. Jose next door runs the S&S 24/7/365. Posed my obs to him and he said not to worry it's just that most Mexicans think of flags (national & penalty) in terms of soccer games. After the laughter he reminded me of the percentage of hispanics in US ground forces.

-- Carlos (riffraff@cybertime.net), September 20, 2001.

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