A President Finds His True Voice

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

"When I take action," he said, "I'm not going to fire a $2 million missile at a $10 empty tent and hit a camel in the butt. It's going to be decisive."


-- Chicken Little (panic@forthebirds.net), September 18, 2001


Don't mess with Texas

-- (Roland@hatemail.com), September 19, 2001.

oooo, the dumbshit actually completed an entire sentence coherently. did his staff finally make him take second grade over again?

-- (yo@brudda.), September 19, 2001.

>>oooo, the dumbshit actually completed an entire sentence coherently. did his staff finally make him take second grade over again?

Actually, the theory and use of capital letters is taught in first grade. Hang in there, little buckaroo, you'll pick it up.

-- Ralph (DontPanic@Be.Fine), September 19, 2001.

oooo, another dumbya ass-kisser crawls out of the woodwork!

-- keep suckin that repug dick (yo@dickhead.), September 19, 2001.

At Camp David, on Sunday, President Bush declared that "this crusade, this war on terrorism, is going to take a while."

It seems he has promised a 'holy war'.

-- Debra (Thisis@it.com), September 19, 2001.

He is your President folks. We are at war. The word "crusade" is no longer limited to Xtian soldiers.

-- Lars (lars@indy.net), September 19, 2001.

I just read an article in which it is reported that Bush apologized for the use of the word "crusade". Apparently the word is still etched firmly in the minds of moslems, as they were the ones who were butchered during them.

This was an unfortunate thing to say when you are trying to build a coalition with arab states and hoping to get them on board. As we will remember WTC for hundreds of years, so do the crusades serve as an archetype for them

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), September 19, 2001.

I want the most powerful man in the world to be more articulate than me. All we have is a stupid fucking repug wannabe leader that can't even put a sentence together because all of his brain cells are fried. Stupid fucking repugs!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck the@repugs.com), September 19, 2001.

Tony Baloney,

Don't kid yourself; Porky Pig is more articulate than you are.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 19, 2001.

That doesn't say a lot for your butt fuckin buddy dumbya does it? Any more comments from the repug peanut gallery? Fucking repugs!!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck the@repugs.com), September 19, 2001.

>>This was an unfortunate thing to say when you are trying to build a coalition with arab states and hoping to get them on board. As we will remember WTC for hundreds of years, so do the crusades serve as an archetype for them

Only after the Arabs put to death countless Christians up and down and on both sides of the Med, following the 7th century.

-- YourHistoryTeacher (Check.It@Out.Yup), September 19, 2001.

“I want the most powerful man in the world to be more articulate than me.”

Now, you must all understand that I would usually not enter into a dialog with anyone named ‘Tony Baloney’, under any circumstances. But lately, I let humor come my way from whatever direction it chooses to travel. Tony, I am not only more articulate than you, I’m also richer, better looking, and in possession of the most awesome weapons of mass destruction ever known to man. Soon, very soon, we will play with our toys and show the Muslim Extremists that we have the fast track to their virgin playground in the afterworld.

Can you imagine it Tony? Here is a group of men that treat their women worse than dogs while in this living world, but will gladly die in order to be transported to some mythical land of 70 virgins. Now these guys are not known to be ‘players’ of the sexual kind, but I guess it wouldn’t take them too long to go through these 70 virgins and turn them into something else. I don’t recall the Koran mentioning anything about replacements. Short-term thinkers are these.

-- Your (Supreme@Commander.com), September 19, 2001.

>>He is your President folks. We are at war. The word "crusade" is no longer limited to Xtian soldiers.

Ike's reminisces of the Euro campaign was entitled 'Crusade in Europe,' and a besteller it was.

-- millicent (stupified@arega.ron), September 19, 2001.

Tony Baloney,

What it says, quite concisely, is that a stuttering cartoon pig is more articulate than you are. Since you are not blessed with even the most rudimentary skills of logic, I will point out to you that it doesn't necessarily say anything about George W. Bush.

I feel quite confident with him in the White House. On the other hand, if you were given any more responsibility than to pull the fries out of the grease when the timer goes off, then I would be scared to death.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 19, 2001.

oh J. If I need any more shit from you I will just pull your chain and flush, besides if I knew you were buying my fries I might forget to put them in the hot grease. (don't worry they would still be crispy - just cold)

Right on Supreme Commander.(Tony Baloney is not my real name - ask Mrs. Baloney)

I have said it before and I will say it again - dumbya is no leader! Now, Colin Powell has clearly led and I at least feel comfortable with him leading (although he has his share of shit in his background.. I don't really care for people who get ahead by climbing on the backs of others - especially when they are doing it so they can be a richer repug.)

J you really should get dumbya's dick OUT of your ASS! Your just a turd to dumbya you know. Give him your money turd!!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck the@repugs.com), September 19, 2001.

Tiny Baloney,

Just what is the minimum wage these days?

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 19, 2001.

And while you're at it, what's the minimum wedgie?

-- dinosaur (dinosaur@williams-net.com), September 19, 2001.

Tony, I have spoken to your Ex-wife and she asked me to pass on a couple of things to you:

(1). The pool boy is still going at it hot and heavy.

(2). She wanted to remind you not to pick at the scab.

-- Your (Supreme@Commander.com), September 19, 2001.

There seems to be a lot of people on this forum who jump to the defense of that sinister bastard idiot in the Whitehouse. Or should I say in his ranch house, since he spends more time there than in Washington.

You sad sack losers must be fucking deaf, dumb, and blind. Kiss his sorry ass if you like, but don't imagine in your wildest dreams that the rest of us are stupid enough to swallow the shit you spew. That imbecile is a scumbag of the worst kind.

-- (not impressed @ by. idiot tough talk), September 20, 2001.

Blah, blah, blah.

We are not impressed by anonymous cowards such as yourself.

Be gone. Your cowardly stench poisons my air.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 20, 2001.

All you gotta do is go to bartcop.com and check out the picture of Clinton at New York and the picture of dumbyass next to it. Then you will see what a moron dumbya really is.

If it was up to you fucking repugs the minimum wage would be a dollar. Not sure about the wedgies.

The scab is on my foot and its from kickin J's scrawny ass. (I was trying to kick start his brain and dislodge dumbya's dick at the same time) bwaaaahaaaa bwaaahaaaa repugs suck!!

-- Tony Baloney (Fuck the@repugs.com), September 20, 2001.

That J is a REAL TOUGH GUY!! Carries a loaded gun everywhere he goes and uses it to shoot racoons and snakes because he's scared of them. LOL, REAL TOUGH!!

-- hee hee hee (just like @ his hero. Dumbya), September 20, 2001.

J is the youngest child of ten (hence the name J) His oldest sibling is A. Their family last name is J too. So you have AJ, BJ (you know what she likes to do!), CJ, DJ (the musician of the family), EJ, FJ, GJ, HJ, IJ and finally the smallest redneck JJ.

-- Mom (The J@family.com), September 20, 2001.

Tiny Baloney,

Even one dollar an hour would overpay for your labor.

anonymous coward #1,

Even in the face of last Tuesday's tragedy, you are still too stupid to see that an unarmed society is a society full of potential victims. Now run along quickly before you miss the next installment of propaganda from ABC/CBS/NBC.

anonymous coward #2,

Assuming that you had one, my advice to you would be not to quit your day job.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 20, 2001.

Hee hee hee haaw haaw haaw Mom!

Thanks for telling us about the family! I always suspected that little JJ was a redneck runt! No wonder he's such a scaredy-cat little shit, he's got no brains OR brawn!

How come he was born with no balls, too much inbreeding in the J family history? Poor little feller, tries to compensate by packin a pistol in his pocket. There just ain't no substitute for the real thing!

-- poor liitle JJ (scared of @ spiders. and snakes), September 20, 2001.

anonymous coward,

Before spouting off about inbreeding, you should check your family pole. Anyone who types, "Hee hee hee haaw haaw haaw", cannot have too many branches in his lineage.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 20, 2001.

anonymous coward #1,

Even in the face of last Tuesday's tragedy, you are still too stupid to see that an unarmed society is a society full of potential victims. Now run along quickly before you miss the next installment of propaganda from ABC/CBS/NBC.

hmmmm...lets say that ALL of the people in the WTC had guns on them the morning of 9/11...Just what I thought, they all got blowed up before they could shoot them planes down. The armed population still couldn't stop the bloodshed. J, you don't need a gun cause you would probably shoot yourself. Redneck.

-- I like guns (Guns are@cool.com), September 21, 2001.

yet another anonymous coward,

You are so patently stupid that it's amazing that you are even smart enough to eat. How about the victims on the planes, Einstein?

Your, "they all got blowed up before they could shoot them planes down", is a classic. I can't fathom how difficult life must be for someone as stupid as yourself.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 21, 2001.


JJ thinks everyone should carry guns on planes!!

Typical response from the redneck runt who can't go anywhere without a gun because he will wet his pants anytime someone passes him on the street!

Given the number of incidents of air rage by paranoid lunatics like JJ, I wonder how many planes would make it to their destination in one piece with everyone packing guns!


-- (JJ the runt @ born. without balls), September 21, 2001.

worthless anonymous coward,

You wrote, "I wonder how many planes would make it to their destination in one piece with everyone packing guns"!

On September 11, 2001, I can think of four that would have, that didn't.

Now go run along so that you can find out what it is that Dan Rather, Tom Brokaw, and Peter Jennings want you to think.

-- J (Y2J@home.comm), September 23, 2001.

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