Which pests are eating my plants?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I'm a first time gardener, and have yet to figure out what insects are eating my baby Romaine plants. I did have one grasshopper who ate a huge portion of my sweet basil plant but I got rid of him I think with some chicken cooping around the plant. I've also found one hornworm I think, and two tiny brown caterpillars or worms on my new tomato plants. Is there some common way of identifying pests? I do get out in the garden often but rarely catch the culprits redhanded.... Thks very much.

-- Jennifer Yun (jjyun@juno.com), September 18, 2001


Since you are new to gardening you may enjoy this website. Im sure there is a section related to what you need. Also, you can ask a question there: http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/#subs

-- Ann Markson (tngreenacres@hotmail.com), September 18, 2001.

Go to www.ppdl.purdue.edu/ppdl/ it is Purdue University plant & pest diagnostic laboratory. There should be a answer there.

-- Mel Kelly (melkelly@webtv.net), September 18, 2001.

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