Ionna Hermitage (Bought Land in WV) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I done dooded it! 3 acres on a mountain side near Purgitsville W. Va. with a furnished 12 by 70, fencing, the grid, 1/2 mile to the nearest neighbor for just under 30k. Yes there are places left to buy in out of the way places. No traffic, no noise, no airplanes, just trees and rocks, deer and squrrils; this is how we were meant to live. I have not seen another person for 9 days and am loving it. What are you waiting for?The only problem here is the water has a nasty odor from sulfer, what cures that? Filtering? Clorinating? Softing? The well is 500 feet and gives 6 gallon a minute. Whos got the answer?
-- mitch hearn (, September 16, 2001
bottled in fla. the sulfer taste/odor is removed by softing and/or airiation,but nothing removes it all cept maybe a real good filter,but no matter what you do i think you will allways have a tinge of sulfer.
-- paul a coleman (, September 16, 2001.
Hey - it will keep the ticks away from you! Probably the mosquitos, too!
-- Soni (, September 16, 2001.
Congratulations Mitch, last I had heard from you, you were in Florida! I wondered how you were since I hadn't noticed you posting lately. We also had a well that the water had a sulphur taste and smell and to tell the truth after a while we just got used to it. It might take a while but after a few weeks you probably won't notice a thing. Keep the water in the frig for drinking, cold seems to help.
-- Melissa (, September 16, 2001.
If you drink that stuff you won't suffer from mosquito bites-lol
-- Mitzi Giles (, September 16, 2001.
Mitch, welcome to West by God Virginia!!! Where I was borned!!!Now, be kind to your few neighbors, these are nice helpful folk who will be there in a hurry when you really need them, the rest of the time they will mind their own business and keep to themselves pretty much, doesn't mean they don't like you though!
Low tech solution for the sulfer? A water filtering pitcher with a replacable filter, PUR is a good one cause it tells you when to change the filter, and it's under $20 at Wally World, the filters under $7.00, lasts about a month per filter.
High tech solution? A water softner or RE system, the softner dumps lots of salt into your water, not good if you have HBP! RE systems are expensive at about $1000, but give excellent water taste and gets rid of almost all the gunk in the water.
We live in the boonies of SE Ohio, just across the river from WV, land was cheaper around here than over in WV, and just as remote. We liked the tax situation in OH better than WV's.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, September 16, 2001.
Mitch, I even know where Purgitsville is in WV, we were through there on our way to the Petersburg fish hatchery last fall. If you get the chance, go down there and see the golden trout they raise, beautiful things! Have you been down the mountain at Scherr yet? Now they have guardrails up, didn't used to not so many years ago, that's what trees are for! Be sure to get up to Romney before all the peaches are gone, although their apples are the best too, boy, some Romney peaches sure would be good right now!!!!I am from Gormania, over to the west on US route 50.
-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, September 17, 2001.
Hi Mitch, I am happy for you and envy you,,I have been planning to return to Wv and am looking for a small place out of town,,need to take a trip down,,,Your new place sounds "almost heaven" (our WV slogan),,,,I am from WV,,What county and what better known town is Pugitsville near? I looked on map,,couldn't locate,,If you are near Romney,,and get a chance go visit Blackwater Falls...quite a experience,,,there are steps leading down to it,,,and the golden trout are very beautiful (as mentioned) You are there at a very beautiful time of year,,there is no place more beautiful in the Fall. I know you will be happy in your new home..any more places for sale around the area? *****Take care and get ready for winter,,,
-- Patsy, MT (, September 20, 2001.
Patsy; Purgitsville is 8 miles west of Ronmey on route 50, then left at routes 220 and 28, its just a name of an area there is no town, not even a stop light.
-- mitch hearn (, September 21, 2001.