Spooky MFrs

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I think I understand why the towelheads think we're Satanist. Next time you're in DC, be sure and check out the National Cathedral. The thing is decked out in Gargoyles. The friggin things are perched all over the towers and cornisce. Little friggin monsters everywhere. Inside isn't much better. Looks like a good place to bleed a goat. After service, you can go down in the basement and visit the Gargoyle museum and gift shop; buy a Gargoyle coloring book for the kids.

BTW, Al did you hear Billy Graham talk about the love of Christ yesterday? I might have missed something.

Don't get me wrong, I know we got a job to do; we have to protect ourselves from people our Grande Wizards piss off, no doubt. I'm just curious about who's who......

-- KoFE (Your@town.USSA), September 15, 2001



You're a nut, but a lovable one.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), September 15, 2001.

Right on , Kofe (except for the towelhead part)

Those gargoyles look like demons. Did you say NATIONAL cathedral? Yikes!

-- (cin@cin.cin), September 15, 2001.

I'm not putting you on, guys.

-- KoFE (your@town.USSA), September 15, 2001.

Oh I know there are little friggin monsters everywhere, I just got a kick out of your wording.

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), September 15, 2001.

I once saw a gaggle of gargoyles, gargling.

-- (nemesis@awol.com), September 15, 2001.

Actually, KoFE -- they are not Gargoyles. They are actual statues of many of our elected representatives, as well as the entire audit staff of the IRS. Very accurate likenesses in my opinion.

-- E.H.Porter (just.wondering@about.it), September 15, 2001.

what most Americans don,t understand-is the muslim=agenda. oh,& I know you,ll laugh this off,but we are dealing also with a spirit here. if you understood=bible prophecy,and trace this all the way back too abraham-you,d have a clue. but nope--you,ll mock this.[for now] ''this is the beginning of the end'' and it's been a long time coming. if you had a clue too=end times-scenario, you would know whats coming next.* THE STAGE IS SET*

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), September 15, 2001.

Al: You know I love you...always have. HOWEVER, I see you using this tragedy as fodder for your personal belief that the end-time is nigh, and I resent that.

-- Anita (Anita_S3@hotmail.com), September 15, 2001.

Porter, don't get me started.

Al, I agree with you, this is a spiritual thing, that's why I, for one, am waiting for the spirit to move me.

I think the bible is probably written by the descendants of the Grande Wizards as a control manual, similar to the cook book in the episode of the "Twilight Zone" "To Serve Man". Except, in this case, intstead of eating everyone, they put you to work.

That's another reason why the prophesies are always accurate; because they're making things happen on schedule.

You'll notice also, that the promenade in front of the Capitol is decorated with pentagrams inside circles, as well as our military logos.

-- KoFE (your@twn.USSA), September 15, 2001.

Al, but you said that Y2K was the beginning of the end. You're like the boy who cried wolf here Al. You're not helping your cause.

-- (ohplease@oh.please), September 15, 2001.


I think you have been spending too much time at rense.com again. :)

EH: how was the Wind River Range. We had perfect weather in the North Cascades.

Best Wishes,,,,,


-- Z1X4Y7 (Z1X4Y7@aol.com), September 15, 2001.


-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), September 15, 2001.

Bleed a goat? BLEED a GOAT?? Dammit, KoFE, the events of this week have been stressful enough without you upsetting my tenants. Now they're demanding bunkers and bodyguards and kevlar underpants.

-- helen (this@is.too.much), September 15, 2001.

Ya know, KoFE -- gotta admit that at least you've got a sense of humor. Good post; agree with most of it. As Uncle Deedah says, "You're a nut, but a lovable one."

Regarding Gargolyes -- I believe that the statue of Brushaber is the third from the left. [My God, I shouldn't have said that, but I could't resist].

Z -- the Wind Rivers were nice. Went from Elkhart to Green River Lakes in a week. Good hike; not too bad a shuttle. I'd recommend the hike to anyone. Also visited City of Rocks in Idaho; good moderate grade technical climbing in a remote setting.

-- E.H.Porter (just.wondering@about.it), September 15, 2001.

HI ANITA, sorry you feel that way.but i,m seeing things that soo line up with prophecy,more than ever before. sorry if I sound preachy,luv ya too!!

-- al-d. (dogs@zianet.com), September 15, 2001.

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