this accurate or urban legend? : LUSENET : Unk's Wild Wild West : One Thread

I don't know much of Nostradamus, so perhaps someone who does can tell if this is accurate. Twas forwarded to me today.

Nostradamus' prediction on World War III:

"In the year of the new century and nine months,

From the sky will come a great King of Terror...

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.

Fire approaches the great new city..."

"In the city of york there will be a great collapse,

2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos

while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb,

the third big war will begin when the big city is burning"

He said this will be bigger than the previous two.

2001 is the first year of the new century and this is the 9th month.

New York is located at 41 degrees latitude

-- (cin@cin.cin), September 15, 2001


Urban legend, cin.

-- helen (, September 15, 2001.


-- (cin@cin.cin), September 15, 2001.

k, thanks helen

-- (cin@cin.cin), September 15, 2001.

Actually, after looking it up, some of this is accurate.

Here's what I found from a site on Nostradamus.

"The year 1999 and its seventh month, From the sky comes a great King of Terror: Reviving the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars (war) to reign happily."

"The sky will burn at 45 degrees, fire approaches the great New City. Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up when they want to have proof of the Normans"

"Garden of the World near the New City, in the road of the hollow mountains. It will be seized and plunged in the tank, forced to drink water poisoned with sulphur X.49

Probably describes an earthquake in New York (New City) in which sky scrappers will tumble (hollow mountains) into the river and bay. The residents will be forced to drink polluted water due to water shortage.

"The man with curly, black beard will subdue the cruel and proud nation through skill. The great CHIREN will take from afar all those captured by the Turkish banner"

World War III

Nostradamus gives two dates for the start of the next World War. Interpreters say this means the rumblings of war will begin in 1994 and a nuclear world war will be under way in 1999.

The war on the west will be waged by the third Antichrist, an Arab Òfrom the kingdom of MuhammadÓ wearing a blue turban will be aligned with Russia.

Nostradamus describes the first nuclear attack of WW III as being on a new city located at 45 degrees that is filled with man-made mountains (skyscrapers). According to several interpreters, this is almost a direct reference to New York City.

Whether the third Antichrist is Mummar Gaddafy, the son of the Ayatollah or someone yet unknown has not been determined.

According to the seer, World War III will last 27 years and little will be left of the world. However, an alliance between the U.S. and Russia will defeat the third Antichrist and oversee a thousand years of peace after the war.

-- (cin@cin.cin), September 15, 2001.


I will have to put on my de-bunkers hat..... :-)

The Nostradamus WTC stuff is crap. Go to these URL for specific info:

Go to and enter "Nostradamus predictons" and follow the links (both the believers and the skeptics).

Have you ever heard of James Randi ( He wrote a book called "The Mask of Nostradamus" that debunks the most high profile Nostradamus predictions. Do a search on Amazon for it.

After reading all the stuff about Nostradamus ask yourself this question: if he was such a damn good seer why can't his followers actually predict events, rather than going to the quatrains and claiming Nostradamus said it would happenafter it happens.

Bottom line seems to be that people want simple answers/solutions for the problems presented by a complex world. This gets manifested in the Nostradamus "predictions" getting squirted around the net and also in the "let's carpet bomb all the Arabs to the stone age".

-- Johnny Canuck (, September 15, 2001.

CIN,stick with bible-prophecy. this war with the muslim/arabs-has been a long time coming. get yourself a gas-mask.

-- al-d. (, September 15, 2001.

Whether he predicted it or not they are trying to bait us into a war. They are succeding and if they get us on there land it will be very hard to beat them. The real issue though, do they already have the plutonium to get a nuke ready. If so they can assemble it and bring it here in the back of a toyota celica and flip the switch in D.C. Then what are we gonna do. the world will never be the same. I think that you should go buy some canned goods and watch road warrior a few times to get used to what you are going to face.

-- jk (, September 21, 2001.

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