Ticket available in magpies room for Saturday

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

My anticipation at returning to England, on business from Malaysia, coupled with the excitement of a visit to St James Park on Saturday for the Man Utd game has been wiped out by the events in the US - something I am sure will have an impact on everyone for a long time. The upshot is I have been told by my company that I am not being allowed to fly although probably the airline I was going to use (Malaysian Airlines)is one of the least likely to be hijacked as it is from a Muslim country. This means that I have a premium ticket available in I think the magpies room (champagne reception, a la carte lunch and free drinks plus ticket on private balcony). This was to be my only visit to St James this season as it was to be the only time I would be back in the UK hence the reason for pushing the boat out. The face value is 450 quid though I know I will not recover that amount I am open to offers (my mate is holding the ticket as well as his own). If any is interested my email address is magpies@pd.jaring.my

-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001


Any other time, but not this time.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

Why not try contacting the club and explaining the circumstances ? You never know they might have a sympathetic ear switched on. Seems a pity it's going to cost you £450 through no fault of your own.

-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001

At £450 they must be guaranteeing a win (c;

-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001

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