September 11, : LUSENET : Ajax USA : One Thread |
This discussion forum provides a place to post messages of condolence and support in response to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Please do not use this forum as a place to promote political views, assign blame or attack any group or individual. Such messages will be removed.
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-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I am a canadian I live 1 hour and half from Toronto. I remember hearing about this sitting in a drive through, It was lunch time and I could not figure out what was going on the boarder was closed airports They were sending people home from work, every radio station was playing the news put it was 20 minutes before they said what happened I thought some one had broke out of some prision and the first number I heard of lost was 50 000 people and my eyes filled with water I could not belive that someone could do this I called a friend he said that the world trade centres where gone I said no way it is impossble how could someone destroy 110 stories of building when I got home I cried my hearts went out o all the people who lost a loved one. One year later amazing Grace can still make me cry, september 11 2002 was just as hard as last yearMy thoughts are with each and every one of you Christina
-- Anonymous, November 05, 2002
I'am very very sorry about what happend on New York. When I resieved the messege from my teacher, I was like "What, what happend" and saw many in my classroom criyn because there were desparete about what happend because there families were there and they thoght that "they can be there" you now there parents or uncles. there were so afraid. O my God. But don't be afraid about what happend because you now that God Love's you and he is there for you, ok. LOVE! FROM ALL MY HEART!Alexandra Eeyes from Puerto Rico GOD BLESS AMERICA!
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2002
I'am very very sorry about what happend on New York. When I resieved the messege from my teacher, I was like "What, what happend" and saw many in my classroom criyn because there were desparete about what happend because there families were there and they thoght that "they can be there" you now there parents or uncles. there were so afraid. O my God.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2002
Two and three-quarter hours. I am still in shock at the magnitude of it all. Standing near Ground Zero for the first time since July 2001,I had a hard time coming to grips with the magnitude of 2,801 names being read.Hearing my buddies name was like a punch in the gut. My brain feels like cottage cheese.The ferry ride back to my trusty Ford ,parked in New Jersey, didn't due much to clear my head.Neither did driving home 1 1/2 hours. Some , given my recent opinions vis a vis Raffies injury, would say that cottage cheese brain is normal for me.I can say only that I thank heaven for such a wonderful diversion as all things Ajax at a time like this. Ajax is definitely greater pain relief than aspirin .
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2002
It happened one year before,but i feel like it was yesterday when i saw on TV those people jumping from the WTC to save their lives.I hope i will never have to face something like this again.My heart is with the families of the victims...God bless them...PS:One year after this,we are facing a possibility of a new war against Iraq.I hope some governments will finally realise that people don't want wars.They want peace...And trust me,with no wars,there won't be another September 11th again....Peace...
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2002
And thus thy fall hath left a kind of blot, To mark the full-fraught man and best indu’d With some suspicion. I will weep for thee; For this revolt of thine, methinks, is like Another fall of man. - William ShakespeareIt is kind of shocking to think that only a year has gone by. It seems as if the whole world has changed, as if we've all lived an entire lifetime, compressed into the space of just one frantic year. I, for one, think of my life in two segments, pre- and post-September 11.
We'll each find our own ways to mourn, reflect, consider on this day. Re-reading the comments posted to the September 11 discussion thread, I'm once again reminded how lucky I am to be doubly blessed, to be both American and an Ajacied.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2002
One week until the anniversary of what here in the States is now simply known as "nine-eleven." Memories of pain & sorrow are still fresh on the mind of many Americans and I can guarantee you that Americans will be cautious all day long September 11th this year.Time heals all wounds but sometimes scars remain and remind us of the pain...
-- Anonymous, September 03, 2002
I am still in shock.I think of all that were lost that day when ever Isee a piture or movie with a scene which includes the wtc buildings.
-- Anonymous, August 28, 2002
While the act itself may not be related to September 11, the assassination today of Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn is terrorism nonetheless. Whether the Dutch populace liked or despised Mr. Fortuyn and his views was a question for the Dutch voters to decide.As early as 15 May, I am told. Instead,terrorism ,regardless of whether the actor(s)was/were domestic or foreign, reared its head in Hilversum and affected the political dynamic in the Netherlands.That is something that terrorists aim to do when they act.That the Dutch people have been denied their full range of political choices is way beyond criminal. That such an act could happen at the start of the highest profile sporting week(3 cups decided )in the Netherlands in several years is also way beyond criminal.This act doubtless creates numerous security concerns for the Dutch authorities.
-- Anonymous, May 06, 2002
Every day and night I feel sad and not happy about what happened on September.11,2001 every day after school I will go to the church the the desater site and sit inside and pray to remember those people who lose there life.
-- Anonymous, April 19, 2002
I am so devastated i pray everyday for the people that got killed and that were missing.I cryed because it so sad.To the families i hope deep deep down in my heart that things will get better for you because its a hard thing to deal with.I love n.y even though im from maryland i been to ground zero and i just looked up and it hurt so bad.I think that the nypd was very brave and i know everyone i mean everyone all over the world just look up to them.Many people helped on sept 11,2001 and I look up to you to im sure everyone else does to.WTC will always be there no matter what in are hearts and our minds GOD BLESS THE U.S.A I LOVE NEW YORK
-- Anonymous, March 10, 2002
For whatever reason, I hadn't looked at this section until tonight. I started thinking back to September 11, and those sick feelings I had, and how it reminded me of the pure feelings of horror I had in 1995 during the bombing in Oklahoma City. I had grown up there, but at the time I was living in Los Angeles, saw the pictures and my mother worked near the building. I knew that sick sick feeling, of panic, horror, helplessness. I was lucky, but so many others weren't. The that was dwarfed by what happened on 9/11 was impossible to swallow. My wife, who is Dutch, from Dordrecht, was on the phone all day with people she hadn't talked to in years. After work that day I went to the Memorial at the site of the cowardly act that happened here, sat on the grass and cried. I wasn't the only one.Then tonight I checked out this thread for the first time, and I was choking back tears all over again. All the support from pur Dutch friends was touching. I was not only proud to be American, but equally proud that my children are dual citizens of the U.S.A. and the Netherlands. It's been 3+ months now, and just when you think you're over it you get a reminder, and you're not as over it as you thought you were. Thanks for all the support, and may everybody have a happy and safe holiday season.
Billy Wright Oklahoma City, OK
-- Anonymous, December 18, 2001
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone who reads this message adds these two addresses to their usual Holiday card recipients list? That's what we're doing at our house, anyway.NYC Fire DepartmentI hope you'll add your card to (hopefully) the flood of cards showing our support for the many families who will be having a very rough holiday season without their colleagues, brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, moms and dads this year.
9 Metro-Tech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201
NYC Police Department
1 Police Plaza
New York, NY 10038
-- Anonymous, December 04, 2001
-- Anonymous, November 15, 2001
it was the worst thing i have ever saw. i have never really been introduced to bombing's or wars, but when i saw the world trade center and pentagon being attacked on september 11 i was shocked. i couldn't belive that something like this could have happened to a country that was build on the rights of being free and hard work. the only war i know about is the one i read in books and see in movies. i was hopping i would never have to see wars ugly face but on 1/29/02 there might be a chance that i will see wars ugly face straight in the eye's.
-- Anonymous, November 01, 2001
I was in Down Under the day of the attacks. And when i saw it on tv i was totally in shock. We din't do anything that day on vacation, we we're to upset. Our thoughts are with the families and friends who lost some one. We hope you have the strength to go through this pain. We will stand by you, you'll never walk alone!
-- Anonymous, October 31, 2001
I'm a supporter of RKC WAALWIJK and I think I can speak for all of the RKC-supporters that It is very terrible what has happend at New York and Washington. American people: You never Walk Alone!
-- Anonymous, October 16, 2001
I wish all the strenght in the world to the peole who suffered from the attacks, the people who are now scared and insecure, the soldiers fighting for peace and of course alsof for the children and innocent people in Afghanistan.We will support you.
-- Anonymous, October 15, 2001
Perhaps I'm a little bit late, but I also wanna say that I'm sorry what happend to you guy's. I'll hope that you all didn't lose any family or friends, if you do I'm sorry. I just want you to know that we wil support you all and that we will not forget this action. And remember and never forget, you will never walk alone!!!!!We will see you again in Amsterdam.
Good luck,
Marc Verdegaal
-- Anonymous, October 10, 2001
"YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, May GOD hold you in the palm of HIS hands.
-- Anonymous, October 09, 2001
I would like to condolence you all in America. It was and is terrible what happened and you must know that the whole world is greeving with you. It's good that this site has the response section because now everyone with a big heart for ajax can share this with you all. bye!!
-- Anonymous, October 02, 2001
America, My thoughts are with you since the last 3 weeks. I hope you will find your way to normal life again. The strongest will survive and in my eyes there is only one: U.S.A. You'll never walk alone!Your best Ajax friend Gardel.
-- Anonymous, October 01, 2001
I read the article in the newest Ajax Life about the terror attack against America. I have only one thin to say: Together we will win, but it is going to be a very long match.You'll never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001
Like you all I am totally shocked about what has happened on Tuesday September 11. An attack on the democracy, killing thousands of innocent people, people like you and me, going to work, going to school, rescue workers, tourists. My thoughts are with you. I have lived in the USA, I went to highschool there. One thing is for sure, during my stay in Iowa I got to understand and know the Americans very well so I know you will manage, united you stand, this tragedy will never be forgotten, keep the memory of those who passed away alive and stand strong! Harald
-- Anonymous, September 29, 2001
My deepest respect to all the family's who have lost relative's and/or friends at that tragic day.YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001
Maybe the distance between Holland and the USA is far..., but our hearts here in Holland are with u all. The day september the 11th will be a black day forever, not only for the Americans but also for us Ajax-fans all over the world. We are united in every kind of way, and we pray for all our brothers and sisters at the other side of the ocean. I hope sport will help in the process of 'finding the pleasure back to life further'. Greetings and love of Martijn Ajax-fan
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001
I am a dutch ajaxfan and i shall remember forever and so will Ajax remember
-- Anonymous, September 28, 2001
I wanna send my personal condoleances to everybody who lost a friend or relative in NYC. My God help you and us all!peace!
-- Anonymous, September 26, 2001
Let us grieve, let us rebuild. I for one appreciate the overwhelming sympathy that pours in from all over the world for the Americans in crisis. It is certainly a welcome change from all the US-bashing that so much of the world typically engages in, all based, in my opinion, of their envy of what the US is and what is has accomplished in a mere 225 years, whereas capitals like Amsterdam have been in existence 700 years plus.Bin Laden and his ilk will in short order know what several have known in the past.... Americans aroused to anger as a whole prosecute their enemies... and we will not fail.
Lifelong Ajacied,
Roy AlderseBaes, Chicago, IL..... WIJ ZAAL NOOIT VERGETEN
-- Anonymous, September 23, 2001
In response to the message posted to this forum by Karim Sabet on September 13, 2001:Karim: In the flood of responses on this discussion board, your very poignant message is easy to miss. But I want to say that at least one American (me) won't hold this against you or any other Arab just because you are an Arab. I feel great sadness that Arabs and Muslims worldwide will be persecuted for actions over which they, you, have no control. Those Americans -- who don't deserve to call themselves American -- who would punish ANY Arab for the sins of ONE Arab... well, they sin just as the terrorists did. They are hypocrites. They are fools.
I have nothing in my heart but sympathy and brotherhood for Arabs and Muslims who suffer injustice. I hope we all find peace, understanding and justice. But most of all, peace.
-- Anonymous, September 22, 2001
No words can discribe the feeling by seeing this news from New York City. I wanna sent out my condoleances to everyone in the States and specialy to someone who host lost someone.Keep the Faith and stick together
-- Anonymous, September 21, 2001
yesterday there was a minute of silence before the game of the first uefacup round and again you can see that the world is in pain. I would give all my condeleances to all the victims,people who are left behind and the people of the united states and again the words YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALLONE go across the ocean to give you some support for the rest of your lives.becuase life will never be the same.
we hope also that ajax can give you some hope during the games and set you mind for something als
john vak 127
-- Anonymous, September 21, 2001
Although it's a week ago, I want to send my condolances to everybody in the USA, to the family and friends off the victims. I admire the the police, the fire department and all others who are helping during this terrible time of loss and deception.
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001
Here A dutch ajax-fan.......tonight ajax..agains appolon.... WE WILL THINK OF YOU AMERIKA. GOD BLESS YOU
-- Anonymous, September 20, 2001
"Why did God let this happen? Is this the end of days?" my girlfriend asked me a week after the devastation in America. Earlier Jerry Fartwell blamed gays, abortion and leftwing politicians. I was outraged; this man isn’t a man that represents my God. I think God’s work was right after the attacks, He united the world. Old enemies like Castro offered his help, China did the same, even Russia wants to join America in their “war”. Arafat gave his blood for the victims.No “end of days” and no “God’s left America to suffer” He’s right with you guys!
I can only pray that Bush doesn’t spoil His work by using this unity to kill innocent people. Bin Laden is only one man in Afghanistan, millions of Afghanistani are innocent.
My thoughts are with the victims of the despicable actions of Bin Laden. Or is Iraq responsible? – better check that out before you bomb a poor country into oblivion and sow the seeds of future terrorist attacks. Only punish the ones who are responsible, revenge on a whole country is unfair and in my views unholy.
My apologies for any grammar and spelling errors.
-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001
Tuesday, the 11th of septemberI was sick at home (flew). At 15:05 local time the business program RTL Z was interrupted by a live coverage of the WTC on fire. 6 dead, 1000 injured, the first reports told. At first thought it was a small plane that crashed into the WTC, but then the first pictures of the 2nd crash were broadcasted........
..........You fill in the rest for your self. At that point, I knew this would be a moment in time which will never be forgotten. No one in the Netherlands will ever forget what happened this day. EVER!
As much other Ajacieden mentioned.... ...........You will never walk alone, EVER!
I wish everyone the best in these tough times.
P.S. There is deep respect for all you Americans, because of the way you cope with this tragedy. RESPECT and God bless you all.
-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001
i want to send my heartfelt condoleances to all the american people, this is a time to stand together. How could this happen??? but don't forget one thing: YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE.greeting and all the best Raymond a dutch ajax-fan
-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001
Tonight Young AJAX will play against Haarlem for the Amstel cup. The star spangled banner will be at the sidelines again, just like last sunday.Greetz
-- Anonymous, September 19, 2001
To all Americans: YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONEWe will beat those terrorists togheter.f*cking bin laden will die.
islam, islam bin laden gaat eraan.
Respect to you all
-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001
I will never forget this day, I was happy because i've past some test. Later when I got home I turned on the tv and I was shocked. I still can't believe what is happend and thinking it's a bad dream.But we will STAND UP and we will GO ON.
"I want to send out my heartfelt condoleances to every victim, every American, in fact to everyone believing in humanity, freedom and democracy."
A Dutch AJAX-Fan.
-- Anonymous, September 18, 2001
To the Dutch supporters, we all say dank u wel. Your thoughts and support mean lots to us here in the States. Your support will be needed over the coming months and I hope that you all know that you will never walk alone as long as we are still here.Kevin
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
I think Tamrin's essay, which has been making the rounds in email today, is totally relevant and appropriate; thanks for posting it. I searched the web and found a briefer version of his remarks posted as a letter to MSNBC. This commentary is especially important given the numerous rumors of attacks on innocent people in the U.S. today, including one Seik man who was shot to death in Dallas; police believe the man, of Pakistani origin, may have been killed in retaliation for the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. READ
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
There are no words for this terrible day. I don't believe in God but now I pray.I am praying for all the people that are victim of these idiots!! All the day I think about it en I hope everyone find the power to pass these days. We will never forget this!!
My condoleances to all the families who lost a person they loved so much.
We still thinking of you guys and we will support you like we support Ajax.
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
words can't discripe the feelings it's printed in our memory and will never leave whe feel with you and pray with you .with love and respect . marcella
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
Ik wil bij deze mijn medeleven laten zien voor het Amerikaanse volk.Ik was zeer geschokt toen ik het nieuws zag, en ben ook gelijk op de hoogte gebr8 door mijn ouders.Hierbij dus mijn medeleven aan het Amerikaanse volk en vooral de slachtoffers. Moge God hun zielen ontvangen.
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
ik wil me steun betuigen aan de genen die iemand verloren heeft met de ramp in amerika. de brandweermannen en alle andere mensen die het puin aan het ruimen zijn wens ik veel sucsess. degene die dit gedaan hebben zijn gek in hun hoofd. ik hoop dat ze dit lezen en alle andere steun betuigingen en dat ze zien wat voor ramp het is iedereen die het leuk vind van wat er gebeurd is dom je gaat hier toch niet om lachen.god bless you ######################################################################
vidal de rover
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
11 september 2001....a black day in the world history..... I want to send all the best to all american citizens...especially those who lost family or friends.... But whatever you do: You will never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
"After every rain, sun will shine again", I hope your sun will shine soon again. World unite against terrorisme, and those who try to harm a peacefull-world. We must fight to survive we must fight to create world peace. People of the world we must united and fight terrorisme...
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
You will never walk alone!!!!!!!! We're shocked.
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
To all the AFC Ajax fans in the U.S.A.My thouhgts and feelings are with you. The tragedy i've seen this past week is more than a human can handle.
Yesterday there was an impressive 1 minute silence before the match. After the late goal of Raphael van der Vaart we finally had something to celabrate.
Take care and best wishes!
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
Morning,I would like to show my sympathy to you and your country. I can only hope that you did not lose any friends or relatives in this cowardly attack on your country. Further I want to wish you much strength to get you trough these terrible days. There wasn't one broadcasting network in Holland that showed something else than the horrible things that happened in New York and Washington.
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
My deep condoleances for you in these hard times! Terrorism will never win! We still believe in democracy, and here in Holland our thoughts are with you.Fabian de Jong vak 127
-- Anonymous, September 17, 2001
Is life that unimportant.
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
I am shocked by what has happened in America. I hope that the bastards who did this het their punishment and that once there will be peace all over the world no matter what kind of skin, religion or whatever the difference may be between people and countries!We stand behind you in the war against terrorism!
Greetings Jur from VAK 125
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
Dear Americans, From the bottom of my hart 'you never walk alone' God's blessings 4 all of u RESPECT!!!Cees
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
Dear sportsfriends,We all feel very sorry of what happenened last week in de USA. Let's hope this bastards will be found and brought to justice. I hope your government will be wise and will not take any military action without knowing sure who did this. A 3rd world war will only have losers. I wish you a lot of strength: You'll never walk alone!!
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
Hey guy's it's terrible what's happend in new york and washington.. The bastards who did this to amerika will pay 4 it!! God bless you!!and remember YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!GreetZzZz Rick Almere,Netherlands ... 16-09-01
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
For the land of the free...... and the rest of the free world!In memory of all the victims of this brutal act of violence, and the people they leave behind.
F-SIDE member A.F.C. Ajax Amsterdam
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
YOU'll NEVER WALK ALONE!!!Our thoughts and our prayers go out to the victims and families of this tragedy. And to all the rescue workers. Words cannot express the feeling of true sorrow at this calous and cowardly attack, some people are willing to die for thier beliefs while the ones who give the orders hide and will not die for what they expect other to die for, it is time the world woke up to fact that we must learn to share for the future of mankind. God bless those who suffer at this time, God bless America and God bless the world, we need it. If you wanna express your thoughts and feelings, go to: Welcome to All the icondolements will be delivered at the Whitehouse!
Terrorists struck the United States Tuesday morning in harrowing, widespread attacks that included at least three commercial jet crashes into the World Trade Center in Manhattan and into the Pentagon in Washington.
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
I still can't believe it.......... all love and hope to all of you (it's not enough, but it's something)
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
We don't know what to sayKit & Rebecca F-Side Abbenes
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
We don't now what to sayKit & Rebecca F-Side Abbenes
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
Hi guys from america and all other Ajax fans i think its really really sad whats happenent .. sunday ajax will play AZ u must all watch it u will see some support of us ...... there will not be taken any flags en stuff and people are trying to sing something for u ! after the 1 minute silence !all strength to you guys and good luck with attacking the damn terrorists!
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
Everything I say falls short at the moment. I can't describe what and how I feel about what happened on sept. 11th. I was totally shocked and I still am. Every day when I wake up and put on the tv I hope it was nothing but a very bad dream, but unfortunatly it bitter and harsh reality. My heart goes out to all the victims, their families, friends and colleagues who have had one of their dear ones lost. Whe are 100 % behind the United States and I hope that together we will win this war against terrorism, so that this will never happen again. The spirit of the American people can't be broken no matter what!My deep condolences,
Ivo van Meurs
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
I just want to thank everyone who has posted to this message board and expressed their condolences concerning the horrific tragedies of September 11, 2001. It makes me that much more proud to be an Ajax supporter knowing that fans from not only Holland, but all over the world are showing their support during these difficult times. Seeing the numerous amount of messages here has been really comforting. We will all get through these times together. I cannot thank you enough. All of us here in America truly appreciate your support.Kevin Boston, MA USA
P.S. My heart goes out to all the victims, their friends and families, the rescue workers and volunteers, and everyone else who is saddened by this tragedy.
-- Anonymous, September 16, 2001
condolences for everyone who is involved in this terrible disaster.. There are no words for it. Remember, you'll never walk alone.... John, De Lier, HollandAjax 4-ever...
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
I'm not very good in English,but I have one thing to say,America and al the Americans in Holland, YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE! i wish everybody in America power,because the must have power to win this war.GOD BLESS AMERICA,Be proud te be a AJACIED.
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
Hello i have no words for this the people dar do thid are crazy . Evrybody speak for this.come on Amerika god love greetz Gaston From Holland
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
this is dedicated to all american Ajax fans and the rest of the people who will get some support from my words.There are no words for what has happened so I only want to give my condolences and all the strength to the people who need it, but we must never forget:
que sera, sera what ever will be, will be we're coming from Amsterdam que sera, sera we won't forget you and support you for evermore YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
Rijnsburg, The Netherlands September 15th. 2001
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
I would like to wish all Americans - and especially the people who lost loved ones - all the best. You never walk alone! All the best, Martijn Weber Heerlen, The Netherlands
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
As many before me I would like to say the same to the american people: our thoughts are with you and tomorrow during the Ajax-AZ match Ajax-fans will show their respect. You'll never walk alone!
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
No more words, No more tears, Just questions and doubts, just pain and sadness.......My wife, my children and i hope that this means the end at all the useless blood-sharring in the wold.
God bless America and the Americans.
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
You'll never walk alone!!! When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark at the end of the storm there's a golden sky and the sweet silver song of lark walk on through the wind walk on through the rain for your dreams be tossed and blownwalk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone
walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
God bless America!Good luck with all, and never forget, always look on the bright side of life.
Much Love, Sebas 410
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
In this moment of tragedy, our thoughts go out to all of you in the USA! In these times we realise that our passion soccer is the most important thing in a world of unimportant things...
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
First my condolances. I wish you all the very best the coming weeks. Is isn't possible to say any words about about something so terrible God Bless The USA. You'll never walk alone!!Bart AJAX fan forever.
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
It's a terrible happining, but life goes further. Keep your head up and be strong in these difficult days.
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
Dear American, 'you never walk alone'RESPECT!!!
God bless you!
************************** **************************
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
What more can i say, after all those thing's that's allready been said? I'll hope that the match of tommorow show our respect to all the Americans, and that you really "never walk allone". God bless you all, and i'll hope he give you straingt during these dark moments. Hope to see you in Amsterdam soon. Cees
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
My heart goes out to all the victims and their families of this terrorist attack. All the people here in Holland are shocked bu this unbelievedale act of barbarism. Words cannot describe the emotions I still feel. But I know that good will prevail. The free world must win the battle against this evil, and it will. America, you'll never walk alone. You'll be in my prayers and thought. God bless you.
-- Anonymous, September 15, 2001
YOU NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!! The people of Amsterdam support you in these though time!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
wormerveer, 15 september 2001Martin luther King once said: I have a dream.... Everybody must remember to keep that dream alive, not only with the black people but also with the Moslims who are getting the blame of this act of terror. The people who maybe did this horrible act, they aint even worth to say they believe in any cind of god, because none of all gods I ever heard of, says that people should attack innocent people who are only trying to do there job...
Now my heart and all my feelings are going out to all the people in the U.S.A. specially the people of New York and Washington who live in fear and anger in these cold days... Cold because some idiots tried to take out the heart of democration and freedom as whe know it, but they have to know that we will survive, and that we will never be taken down, no matter what!
During the match next Sunday, our thoughts will be with the Americans, and together with the F-side Amsterdam, we will let everybody know that freedom nener walks alone!!!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
14september Americans my condelaense i hpoe that you get the barbarians that did this. Remember that you Never Walk Alone Brothers and sisters. We shall use the usa flag in the Arena for you and you shall hear us suport you.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
The people that did this are real barbarians there are no lower life on earth.I have one thing to tell you and europe, Stand up find and destoy the basters that did this and let them know that we dont accept all americans Head up High bres up You Never Walk Alone!!! Freedom and the Braves Dont never give up.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I saw it but i can not believe it!!!!! All the support to everybody there. We are with you !!!!!OLD STYLE HOOLIGANS
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Dear american ajax-fans. I couldn't believe what i saw on the news. It looked like a fragment of armageddon, but it was real. After the minute of silence next match, we will sing a special : you'll never walk alone for all who lost close ones in this horrible attack.ajax-usa you'll never walk alone jeroen vak 410
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
guyskeep your head up in these difficult days
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
America, YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!! Our thoughts are with u, also sunday in the stadium. God bless America!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
The power of AJAX will be with you all!! BELIEVE!!!!!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
My heart is bleeding...There are no more words what happend....
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
what can I say this is teribble all dutch people are supporting YOU!!!!!!REVANGE will be made!!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
There are no words... I'm deeply shocked.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
In terrible times like these we all should stand together. Our condoleance to all the victims. We all are shocked because of what happened. We want you to know that you are in our thoughts. We wish all the relatives of the victims the best and you never walk alone..........Always Ajax......
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Hoornaar, 11-09-2001"YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!"
This is a terrible day in the history of the world and specially of America. My biggest support to the family of the victims. My condolences.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Lost for words. Don't know what to say, this is shocking and I just can't imagine what can move a "human being" to come to such a terrible act. My condolences to America. Just don't forget this is the act of a few persons and don't take it out on people who got nothing to do with it. Everyone is shocked, being a jew, moslim, christian or non-believer, black or white. Still we have to try to live with, and not against each other.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
...........Wat else is there to say........ .............You'll Never Walk Alone............ ......My Thoughts Are With All Americans.....
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I would like to send out my condoleances to all the victims of this unbelieveble act of terrorism. I still can not beleive what has happened this week. The Dutch media only covers the news about the disaster. I would like to wish you all the best in the futere. You'll never walk alone!!All the best , a Dutch Ajax fan
Sorry for my bad englisch, see ya in Amsterdam.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
We could never imagine the terrible things that happened. Don't know what to say. This goes above my mind.My thoughts are with you, KC
-----You'll never walk alone------
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Youll never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Words cannot express what I feel at this moment, it is still hard to believe what has happened. I have been at the top of the World Trade Center only four months ago, when I was enjoying a vacation in the most impressive city in the world, the buildings are totally gone together with the lives of so many innocent people.Today at twelve o'clock this afternoon, all people in Holland held silence for 3 minutes, I can tell you it was very impressive, I hope that it will be just as impressive when I visit Ajax - AZ when there will be a 1 minute silence.
My heart goes out to the families, friends and collegues of the people who were killed or hurt in this act of terror and to the exceptionally brave people who gave their lives while rescueing others, but also to all people who are still trying to rescue lives and are trying to rebuild what was destroyed, but one thing is clear: They have not destroyed the great spirit of the Americans.
I hope that we all over the world win this war against terrorism, so this will never happen again.
Marien Brethouwer Heemskerk, The Netherlands
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
AJAX SUPPORTERS FRIESLAND are with you in this terrible times!! Support from the North!!!Daniel
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Wenn I looked the t.v and saw I was deeply shocked... I have no words for this kind of terrorime..... I want to say! YOU NEVER WALK ALONE!!! to all the people in the USA......Vaart.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
as an Ajax supproter i would like to say we are you behind all the american people. i want to let you know : YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I'm so so sorry ! This sunday we'll let you hear we haven't forgotten what happend. Today at noon there was 3 minutes absolute silence in Holland. All cars, busses, tram's, metro's, trains, trucks, factories etc everyhting stopped for 3 minutes. The world will never be the same again...RESPECT !!!Rogier, Holland....
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I'm sitting here, watching CNN.. and all those terrible images and video's. We can't escape from them, they are everywhere All we can do is wait, and see of there are more survivors. I wish you the best, that's all I can do at the moment !!!!!!!YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE AMERICA!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I'm not sure this is the forum, but anyway, I think America needs to be very careful as it plans it's reaction to these atrocities. Here is the best article I've yet seen on the (imminent) US retaliation.Terrorism has always fed off its response
The Times of London, FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14 2001
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
It is indeed a terrible tragedy- may the victims and their families find comfort in their God, and know that we are praying for them.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Shocked and outraged we have been watching the coverage of this horrific act of terrorisme. We wish you strenght in these dark days.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
My deepest condolences to all the relatives, friends and every american for this horrendous act of violence. I wish you all the best and strenght to overcome this horrible tragedy.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
As a AJAX supporters I am shocked for what happened. I would like to say to al Americans that we support you and we live with you. There are no words for this. Terribele.Ronald
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Hi ajax fans in the USA i'm very shocked what happened in the United States, i wiss you all a lot of strength. Greetings a AJAX-FAN, Maickel Hamelers Tilburg (The Netherlands)
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I wish the American people the stregth to deal with this tragedy. My thoughts and prayes are with all the victims.I have learned that there will a one minute silence before the game against AZ on Sunday, 16 September. Some Ajax-supporters are planning to sing 'You´ll Never Walk Alone' after the minute of silence.
This is a blow for the whole of humanity.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
stay strong, we cannot allow terrorism to win this war.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
My deepest condoleances and my greatest respect for the United States of America because of the way you are dealing with this awfull tragedy. This disgusting act of terror will unite the USA and other democratic countries in grieve.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Were with you,Together we stand. You'll Never Walk Alone! Afc Ajax Fanatics Lelystad Holland
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
As so many others I would like to express my feelings of grief and anger. Never before I've been so shocked. I would like to wish all American people who lost friends and/or relatives lots of strength in this desolate times.Maarten,
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I'm shocked, no everyone is shocked. I saw the horror on television, You can't believe that something can happen. Such a terror. Everyone in Holland are standing beside you. And defore my condoleances to those involved. May you find the stength to past this difficull time. Before the match AJAX-Az there will be a impressive minute of silince, Every AJAXCIED will be standing beside you because YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE AJAX FOREVER...MAY GOD BLESS YOU PETER SLOTMAN HENGELO NETHERLANDS
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I can't even begin to imagine the feelings of horror you must have now. My deepest symapthy and condoleances for the people of the USA in general and the brave men and woman who are helping in New York and Washington DC specifically. This Sunday, we'll be singing for them.Stand firm!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Amsterdam 14 september 2001Dear readers,
the date 9 September will be remembered as a black day in history. Not only by the people in the US, but also by everyone in the world who sympathize. I can assure you that my country, the Netherlands, grieves just as much as the American people do. Our hearts are with you and so are our prayers.
We wish you all the luck and strength through the period ahead. A period of mourning and a period of cooling down. However, NO-ONE will forget what has happened and whoever planned this whole evil scheme will be put to justice. I am positive about that.
Once again I would like to emphasize that the people who were hurt, in one way or another, are in our minds and hearts... Good luck!
Kevin Lang, Ajax Amsterdam Supporter 4 Life
The Netherlands
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I just wanted to show my support with this post. I also want to give my condeleances to every American.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I would also like to convey my sincere condolences to everyone in USA and abroad who lost loved ones in the despicable terrorist attacks on Tuesday.It was a tragedy that so many ordinary people going about their daily businesses lost their lives but they will never be forgotten.Everyone across the world who has an ounce of compassion will be sickened by what happened.
Respect to Ajax From a Celtic fan from Scotland.
BTW I'll admit that Ajax were the better team in the 2nd leg by a long way. ;-)
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
My sympathy goes out to the victims, casualities and injured ones, and their family and friends.
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I would like to send out my condoleances to all the victims of this act of terrorism. I still can not beleive what has happened on that tuesday. The media in the Netherlands only cover the news about the disaster.This sunday during the match Ajax-AZ we will pay our respect to all victims and the people who are left behind. The match will be played in very sober atmosphere, but we will sing You'll never walk alone during this match. I would like to end with a line from this song:
'If you walk through a storm, hold your head up high'
Matthijs Jansen Holland
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
You'll never walk alone! Sunday we will be quiet before the game followed by an impressive You'll never walk alone! God bless you!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
The only thing I did (and still do) after seeing those awful images is: being quiet... Because being quiet (in my mind) speaks louder than words could ever be...EVEN WHEN SKIES ARE GREY, YOU WILL CONQUER !! ONE LOVE !!! RESPECT !!!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
!!!!!My sympathy goes out to the people who were killed and to the family.I will pray for you all! GOD BLESS AMERIKA!!!!!All ajax fans i want to support you all! I will pray for all of you for this terrible act from the terroristen.
!!!!!!!!GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!
Greetz, Kevin (Holland)
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I was deeply shocked when I heard the news on the television. I wish all the American people all the strength and courage that is needed in this difficult time. I still cannot realise why people can do such things.....
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
I'm deeply shocked, god bless America.Walk on....With hope in your hart, You'll never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
Don't give up, you will never walk alone!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
This is really bad I don't understand it but i know that this the worst thing ever happend in USA.I support all the families out there in New York and I will be quiet at 3 o'clock this noon
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 14, 2001
thoughts are with the u.s.a and those killed and still missing god bless...
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Wishing everybody in the usa the best And remember " Your never walk alone " I hope they soon find the people who are exponsible for this And then it's time to kick some assAmsterdam zuid j 428
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
cannot find the words
my heart is with you all... forever Ton F-side
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
on behalf of me and some friends of mine we send our condoleances to every victim and every one who lost someone close to them we feel with youAMERICA, YOU ´LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!
AfcGambiT and friends
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
when you walk, threw a storm, hold you're head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark, at the end of the storm, there's a golden sky, and the sweet silver glow, of hope!! YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Hello Ajax-friends,I have no words for the things seen last Tuesday. It´s unbelievable. I wish you all the best and a lot of strength in this terrible time.
Jeroen Helfrich.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
"Sleep - I and they keep guard all night, Not doubt, not decease shall dare to lay finger upon you, I have embraced you, and henceforth possess you to myself, And when you rise in the morning you will find what I tell you is so." Walt WhitmanKeep the faith brothers, remember: You'll never walk alone!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
You'll Never walk alone I wish you all a lot of courage I support you in these days
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
A tragic thing happened last tuesday and I still hope that i'll wake up out of this terrible nightmare. Unbelivable. I can't believe it and it frightens me. What will happen? Can we still walk througt Amsterdam without the treath of a terrorist attack? Next sunday we're gonna play AZ in Amsterdam. Before the match there will be a minute of silence to respect those who were killed. After that we, the F-side, will sing "You'll never walk alone". And I will not chear if Ajax scores a goal, or will win the match. Because I can't chear if I think of last tuesday. The day that I will never forget. But Ajax-suppoters in the USA, remember one thing..YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE...
AFC Ajax 4-ever..
Mark Vos,
Ajax-supporter from the Netherlands.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
First my condolances to all Americans with this terrible lost, when i saw the news on cnn, the tears jumped into my eyes. I'll hope that the american people will keep their heads up, friday at 12 o'clock whe will be quiet and think of this major disater. remember this : when you walk, threw a storm, hold you're head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark, at the end of the storm, there's a golden sky, and the sweet silver glow, of hope!! YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Anger. Sadness.I wish all the Americans all the strength and courage. Let the good people survive.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Dear,As I have American friends I was chocked when I heard the news.
Hereby I want to condoleance every American who lost a friend, family, colleage, somebody.
God blesses America and the World.
Jewie, his wife and his .. Yutah.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I just want to send my heartfelt thanks to AFC AJAX and my brother and sister supporters. A rough time has been made easier by your expressions of sympathy, kindness, support, and yes, love.26 nations had citizens working in the 435 businesses located in the WTC and surrounding buildings. England has confirmed 100 dead and many missing. Australia, Germany, South Korea, and Japan have confirmed that they have lost citizens.But then, I think we have all lost something due to the heinous crimes committed. And just as surely, with the love and kindness of our"brothers and sisters" , we will walk in the sun again. YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are no words to describe this tragedy.Tomorrow will never be the same. YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
It is impossible to describe in words what has happend in New York, Washington D.C. and Shanksville. I went to New York last year and I can't imagine how New York will look like without the Twin Towers that I even visited. Hereby I send my condoleances and give my support to all Americans during this hard time and hope that the cowards who commited these crual acts of terrorism will get the punishment they deserve. Wish you all the best, our thoughts are with you,Ralph Vleugel - Ajacied from Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
U.S.A. YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!A.F.C.A. 4-ever
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
My condolences to the victims of this disaster. You'll never walk alone..... gjdv, De Lier, Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are no words for these acts. Our harts go out to all americans. The game against AZ this sunday, we will held a minute of TOTAL silence to respect all the victims of this onhuman crime.DE_MEER and Family
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I think everything is said, but remember this : YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!! and our hearts go out to everyone who`s been hurt by this tragedy!!Niels Heimens, Hoofddorp , Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
May the victims and rescuers never be forgotten.You never walk alone!
Jan 413
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I won't never forget this day. HOLLAND IS STANDING AT YOUR SIDE U.S.A./HOLLAND (A PERFECT TEAM) Many regards from the Netherlands ( Hattemerbroek ) Ajax friends Forever!!!!No mather what happends!!!! ++++++++++ F-SIDE++++++++++++++++++ ***********VAK 129************* Gert ÝOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE- YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Suddenly every-day live is interrupted in a terrible way
Everybody is watching the TV all day
Poetry even can’t describe what people feel
This kind of aggression seems so unreal
Earth will never be the same
Macabre memories will remain
Buildings are completely gone
Extremists seem to get everything done
Reactions will come, that’s for sure
Even though that won’t be a cure
Lost lives won’t come back this way
Everyone who died will stay away
Violence doesn’t solve anything
Essential now is another thing
Nearness of people for support of any kind
That is what calms down the peoples mind
Hereby I send my condolences to all mankind
Pascal Stil
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
They were pretty sick people who did it!YOU NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
We would like to express our feelings of disbelieve and sympathy towards all the victims and others involved in the terrible events that happened last Tuesday. We hope everybody will manage to handle the losses they have suffered. And that no more innocent blood will have to be spilt.Board of the OFA (independent fanclub Ajax)
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I still could not believe what's happend. For this tragedy I have no words. I wish all the people strength.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I just want to say, i feel with you, grief and pray, i hope you have the strenght to overcome this tragedy.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
dear americans i want to wish you all the best in this horrible time for you all i cannot believe it we think the all day of you remember: "YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE" be strong greetings from apeldoorn the netherlands
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
What's the importance of football in life once's humanity is in danger?Respect to all involved this horrible situation!
All: stop 'our war' with f*******d fans for now, one of their leaders is a kind a involved too and wrote a great speech at the Lunatic News fanzine site about it.
Gary Mc A.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE. We will strike back.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Two days later and i still can't believe what happened. Who sick can someone be? Somethimes you realise how fulnerable you can be in this world, even though you have no enemies yourself. I want to wish you all the strenght and power you need, although i know even that isn't enough for this kinda tragedy. You'll never walk alone!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I'm real sorry for what happend i dont know what i would do if it was my country. Be strong in these times and know you got the dutch support in evry way we're a small country but all the small things help And i've bought an american flag for next game to let o'brien see that we support him alwaysmarco 410
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Dear are no words for what happend but rember one thing "YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE"AJAX Fans from AMERSFOORT
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
It's so sad to see everything and I cant seem to understand what has happend. I wish there was anything I could do to help, but all I can do is pray. So thats what Ill be doing all day everyday! Good luck, and loads of love and strenght from Holland and expessialy from me... Sanne
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I have no words for what I've seen the last days. I wish all of you all the best and all the strength to deal with this tragedy.You'll never walk alone! Freek sfeervak 410
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
our feelings are with all the people of the United States,in this unbelievable sad and hard times. YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
in my life, a few things are important. one of those things is ajax. the atmosphere, the players, the F-SIDE and yes, even the stadium. but there are a few things that are more important. and one of those things are HUMANITY. a terrible thing happened tuesday and that's something i will never forget. an attack on freedom, democracy and least but certainly not last; an attack on innocent people. people who are at work, people who go to work with a smile, tourist who wanna see something new, people who's world collapsed in just one second. in the Netherlands we call those terrorists KLOOTZAKKEN or ASSHOLES. America: i think i talk for ajax and the other people of the Netherlands when i say this: we were with you yesterday, we were with you today, and we will be with you Tomorrow.
******************** YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE *************************
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I can't tell you how shocked I was when I shaw the news this week. I just couldn't forget the picture where people where weaving from out of the windows. a couple of minutes later those people where dead. It's unbelievable. I remeber how strange the programme for that evening looked. * speciaal new * "horror in America" * report "wtc" * FOOTBALL GAME CHAMPIONS LEAGE!!Football, no matter whow much you like it, means nothing when such things happen.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Dear Ajax/American friends,I want to sent my condelances to al the americans who have lost friends or relatives in this horrific time. I specially want to sent my condoleances to all the members of the AJAX USA fan club and i hope no-one has lost anybody they know. My thoughts go out to you all! Coming sunday we all will sing the same song at the beginning of the match against AZ: YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!
Greetings from a fellow AJACIED
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
To all our friends in the USA, I would express my deepest sympathy to you. It's horrible what happened in your country. We'll have a moment of silence this Sunday before the match. As the F-Side, we will let you know that you will never walk alone.Bas, vak 125 F-Side
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
USA you'll never walk alone !
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Last month i was there, and now!!!!!!!
There is no there.....................
I've been shocked.
But think.............................
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
all the support from me and my friends here in purmerendyou never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
to the people of NY and america and to everyone who believes in freedom and democracy: there are no words for what have happened. In our thoughts we are with you.lots of love and may God bless you all. rob en thera
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
in sad memorian all the innocent people who died in the ruthless attack of september the 11th. remember: YOU NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
To all Americans the best and hopes for survivors. I hope that the SCUm who did this will be arested soon, but I also hope taht America is wise and don't kill inocent peoples.And I hope non of the Ajax-Usa crew is woonded or died.
AJAX AMSTERDAM wish you the best
Matthijs de Jong
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are no words to discribe this tragedyWishing you all the best
You 'll never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
To all the victims an their relatives and american Ajax Fans: YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I am Sebastian from Romania ,a big Ajax fan and all my thoughts goes to the families who suffered in this days.I got also somebody in USA and she loose some friends,and I can't imagine how can be people like this in this world!ROMANIA SUPPORT USA!YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE! GOD BLESS YOU! BORN IN THE USA,PROUD TO BE AJAX FAN!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
love and respect send to ya'll from amsterdam! my white-red-white heart bleeds! YOU'll NEVER WALK ALONE!!!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I've been shocked. What i saw on television, can happen to all of us, all over the world! My condolences to all Americans who are hurt of this terrible sick minded terrorism. Let pray to God for help, care and understanding of what happends to the civilions of New York and Washington.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are nog words to the terrible things that happend in the USA. Condolances to everyone who lost a relative, friend or just someone he knows. Remember.....You Never Walk Alone !!!Greetzzz and suc6 from Roy,Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
The biggest nightmare i have ever seen,my hart goes out to every American.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are no words to describe what has happened and how we feel here in Holland. We want to help, but we only can do that by contribute money. I want to wish everyone the best in this hard time.Joep, Grootebroek/Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Nobody atack us without eany Punishment!!! My regards Coen Berkhout! Krommenie Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
With horror I watched the tv images on CNN the last days. To all American Ajax fans who are in any way hurt by this terrible act of terrorism, I would like to send you my condolences, and wish you all the best in the dark days ahead. Bart.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are no words to describe this tragedy. Together against terorism. YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!!!!Greetings from johnny (ajax) AMSTERDAM.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I Love AJAX!!! I hate Terrorism. Hereby my condolence for all the people in the US. 4 October 1992 I had lived in an appartment in Amsterdam. I was waiting for my favorite team AJAX on tv. But, a Boeiing 747 crashed in our flat, I survived, but i was sik for a long time,now its getting better with me, but after this terrible attack. I feel worse again. greetings JH Kraan AJAX-fan4life
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
My heart is bleeding......... My love goes out to everybody who lost family or friends by this tragedy. My dear Americans; YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Robby Amsterdam X X X
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
My sincere condoleances to all involved. Never in my life if felt such pain and anger. This was an attack by cowards with no respect to any humanlife. If the terrorist think they served any God, I hope that they found out that hell is waiting for them.God bless America!!
No surrender!!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
deepest condoleances...what an act of cowardness and horror.btw could it be a very sick joke of the terrorist to plan this on 11th of september? 9-11 ? I am filled with anger and grief, America you are not alone!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I want to thank those who have sent messages of condolence to those of us here in the US. I can't tell you what this means to us as Americans who have gone through one of the worst blows to our country ever. It is good to know you have friends around the world. on 11 Sept 2001 we lost men, women, children, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. We have to remember that we lost not only Americans, but citizens of almost every civilized nation in the world. English, Dutch, German, Swiss and any number of others. Sorrow is not limited to Americans. The world has lost something through this evil deed. Our world has been changed. It is now up to us to make it a change for the better. We must make this a safer and more unified world for all nations. Thank you for your concern and friendship. Glenn E. Dunn Austin, Texas USA
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
no words for this attack, only pain inside. let me pray for all the victims and family and friends and eveybody who feels a deep pain. you`ll never walk allone.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Dear are no words for wats happend but rember one thing.YOU WILL NEVER WALK A LONE. (together you/we are strong).
Greatings Marco + Jolanda
Fans from AJAX Boskoop Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
This terrible crime commited by the scum of the Islamitic world should be answered! I would like to wish all the best to the people who are involved ore have friends,relatives who are involved also.Ajax Amsterdam forever! BVA
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
You'll never walk alone When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark at the end of the storm there's a golden sky and the sweet silver song of lark walk on through the wind walk on through the rain for your dreams be tossed and blownwalk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone
walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone!!
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Thoughts are with everyone who has lost a loved one in this tragedy. The emergency services once again have lost their own personnel and we must never forget how these brave men and women will have lost their lives trying to help others. Also remembering the British people who have been injured and lost their lives. America and Britain are joined together in this tragedy.I am not an Ajax fan but was told about this site by a fellow poster on another site.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
After 2 days I still cannot believe what happened. My thoughts are with the victims, families, friends, and ofcourse all the rescueworkers. YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are no words to describe the terrible things that happened in the USA. My heart goes out to all the people who have lost relatives and friends in NY, DC and Pittsburg. I hope they will find the ones responsible and punish them. YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!! My thoughts are with you, Anoek
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I want to send out my deepest condolances to all the people who have lost a relative or a friend, well i just want to send my condolances to all NORMAL THINKING PEOPLE because this is not something normal thinking people do. STAND UP AND HOLD YOUR HANDS UP HIGH AMERICA....YOU WILL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!! and again i wish all AJAX fans strenght in this time of deep deep grieve...
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Condolances to everyone who lost a relative, friend or just someone he knows. Our hearts are with you! YOU NEVER WALK ALONE! PEACE!x x x
Rodney (Amsterdam)
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
There are no words for something terrible like this..... the skyline of manhattan will never be the same.....All American Ajax- supporters: "Godd bless you,and all the others americans who lost people or relatives......" Dennis from Holland
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
As an Egyptian living in Cairo, I try to understand how people in America and elsewhere will look at us (Arabs). Violence occurs on a daily basis in this part of the world, but surely never on a scale of this magnitude. I am hearing from friends in Europe that they have already been given dirty looks from people in London, Brussels, Paris, and Stockholm. Why do all Arabs have to pay for attacks implemented by very few who share the same ideologies and hatred against the western world. Why should I get dirty looks while walking in the street, just because it is automatically assumed that as an Arab, I am responsible for the killings and that i might bomb a place at any moment. My deepest sympathies and condolenses go out to the victims and their families of this unimaginably disgusting attack. Lives should not be taken away, and especially in a beastful manner as this. My heart is with you and with all Ajax supporters who have lost a friend or family member. I don't belive it has been said from Egypt, but here it is: "YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE"............. NEVER. -salam- Karim
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
I'm a dedicated ajax fan but this is not important now. I feel for all the victims and all the people in australia feel the same way. My greatest respect and sympathy for all the victims and their famlies. I cried more out of disbelief knowing that we have not learnt a thing from the horrers of all the wars and attrocities commited in history. Are we now back were we started with the pointless loss of life.
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
Words can not express how we feel. Soccer is not important right now !! Our harts are with you !!AFC AJAX F-SIDE
-- Anonymous, September 13, 2001
My friend Ben Bell alerted me to the fact that you can sign the books of condolence for the NY policemen and Firemen who lost their lives saving others at the WTC.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Ajax fans,I'm not a regular visitor here or an Ajax fan. I found this list from a link to it on an American website ( which is really serving as a good source of support and camaraderie for us US soccer fans right now. I wasn't in the WTC or even in Manhattan, but right across the river in NJ - I saw the second explosion and the aftermath but got home without too much trouble, but my roommate was down near the stock exchange and saw "more than he ever wanted to see", and the fact of the matter is that everyone here knows someone who knows someone who was hurt... Of course all of us have been terribly terribly shocked. And that shock won't subside for a long time. I just wanted to extend a huge, sincere thank you to all of you for your concern, your thoughts, your prayers. I don't know any of you, but your words mean a lot right now....Cheers.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
As an American, I am grateful for your support.As a man of Dutch ancestry, I am proud and happy to have you for my brothers and sisters.
As an Ajax fan - play on! :)
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Hello dear Ajax fan's! If you lost somebody yesterday I'll pray for him and you. You'll allways have ajax we stick together. We help eachother. You'll never walk alone!!! Ajax fan from HELMOND HOLLAND
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I wish I could help: ................. I have no words to discribe my feelings. All the love, kenny (the haque, holland) YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I am about to write something down.......But for the tragedy that happended yesterday I cannot find the propper words......... There aren't any that matches the tragedy that occured in the US yesterday.....
All I can say is that I want to express my deepest sympathy with the American public and with the people directly involved with the tragedy....
Good luck and love throughout these difficult times.
AJAX 4 life!!!
P. Mak (born in Amsterdam and proud about it!!) Netherlands
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
We are shocked by this horrific act against innocent people.We would like to express our deepest sympathies for all victims, their families, their friends and for the American people.
We are not able to comprehend let alone find words to describe this tragedy.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
New York City, Washington, Pensilvania, USA, the World (Eastern & Western) have been brutally surprised and shocked by terrorist attacks on the WTC in NYC and the Pentagon in Washington.I (a dutch citizin of Amsterdam) am devastated. I've been struck in the core of my soul. As so many people with me, I too feel the gaping wound inflicted to our inner beeing.
It does not matter where why or when but whenever (innocent) blood is shed it's a inmense tragedy.
What scares me most is the intense hatred. Hate is such an ugly and profound emotion. Please , Please let us all realise hatred is too easy and that we need to unite to rise together to hights unknown. Regardless skin, religion, proffesion or politics.
Respect and blessings go out to the rescue workers, medical personal, police officers, fire men and women, blood donors and all those innocent people who have fallen in this tragic event.
Words fail me....
The Earth cries....
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Our hearts go out to those who lost today, their lives, their relatives, their friends. Nothing on this planet can justify an act like this. There are no words to voice the disgust.We can only hope we've seen the worst with this.
Between hope and fear, J.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
hi i want to show you this way that the fans in holland are sharing the same mind as you. its terrible and our hearts go out to everyone who has lost someone on that terrible day. remember,you'll never walk alone.greetings
robert zaandam holland
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Thanks to all the support from Ajax supporters from all over the globe. Reading this board we are assured that we are not walking alone! In times like this we got to stick together and take a stand against this evil. "Groetens voor iedereen in Nederland" from Miami, Florida, USA.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
this mension is in respect for all the people who died in the terrorist attack in america.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I'am really shocked about what happend in NEW YORK yesterday (september the 11th)!!!!! And i hope that all the AJAX supporters in America are doing fine,you will always have the support from the F- side from AMSTERDAM!!!!!Keep the faith, and NEVER give up hope!!!! much RESPECT and SUPPORT from : DENNIS VAN DEN BOS from amsterdam!!!(AJAX FOREVER!!!!!)don't forget that!!!!! (you'll NEVER walk ALONE!!!)
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I'am very sorry about what happened to the usa yesterday.I heard it on the news and it was frightened.My condoleances to you all and I hope you will find the stringth to go on. WALK ON..WITH HOPE IN YOUR HEARTS!! AND YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I wish all the Amercan People & the American Ajax Supporters all the best after wat happened at the 11th of August in New York You'll never walk alone!! Dennis Ajax Supporter Holland
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
YOU NEVER WALK ALONEThere are no more words for what happend.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
New York , the United States , the world will never be the same after what happened yesterday.Naturally our condolences to all the victims and their families. Still hundreds (maybe thousands) of people lying under the fragments of what was once the pride of NY.
Our thoughts are with them and remember " You'll Never Walk Alone"
My deepest sympathy,
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Our feelings are with the victems, and all the people of the usa. YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE !
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I'd like to wish all the victims, their families and the American people in general all strenght and courage in these dark days.we're with you!
An Ajax-fan from Amsterdam
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Hello Ajax supporters,There are no words 4 this big disaster.Remember we will support the USA!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
We wish you all the strength possible the forthcoming days and months, all of us are behind you.even Ajax is less important right now.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Words cannot describe what has happened yesterday. May peace be with the people who died in yesterday's terror attack and may those who survived + friends and relatives of every one involved find support and strength to get over this tragic event.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
wish you all the strength and luck in the world to overcome this hell our thoughts are with the people in Amerika. hope they find the stinking snakes. WALK ON ,WALK ON ,WITH HOPE IN YOUR HART.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
All I can say is:When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark at the end of the storm there's a golden sky.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I WAS REALLY SHOCKT!!! AMERICA WE LOVE YOU YOU`ll NEVER WALK ALONE!! good good luck on next days!! greetz from a big AJAX FAN F-SIDE!!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I Know there is a rainbow, for you to follow to get beyond your sorrow. Thunder precedes the sunlight so I hope you'll be allright if you can find that rainbow's end.Lot's of love Yvette!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Eej People ,I wish you all good luck with the terrible things that have happened over there , but remember this : the world stands behind ya all the way , and we , the supporters of AFC Ajax Amsterdam , will support ya the same way that you all support us . You ll never walk alone remember that ... and dont worry , you have a strong and righteouis gouvernment : everything will be alright ... keep ya head up bro s ,
, one of the many millions of people who support you all the way ..
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
all the best to the people of america and al off the people who has to do something with this terrible attackgreetings from an fanatic AJAX supporter
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
words can not express what has happned to the people of America. and I know it is not mutch but I would like to give my sympathy to the families of the one's that are involved in this tragedy greetz Adamsuper Amsterdam
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
WHY? every one of us are asking why? AlexIsrael love and support USA
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I'm shocked and i would like to say to every one involved,YOU'll never walk alone
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
What can I say, keep your head up high.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
An answer ..... there is no answer for this barbarias act done to a democratic free country.... God bless you U.S.A. You all be in our mind's next Sunday !!!!! Marcel (jew forever). The Netherlands.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
YOU NEVER WALK ALONEThere are no more words for what happend.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I'm totally horrified by this disgusting assault...! I'd like to express my love and give all my support to the victims , their families and all the American people.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I am an exchange student from the US now in Germany and I thought I was hearing a joke at first about someone attacking the WTC. But it was real, and I watched as my country went through one of its most horriffic moments ever. I felt helpless and scared. I hope that all Ajax fans can agree with me that canceling the match was the correct decision to make. Why they played Champions League on the same day here in Europe I do not know. But the US will rebuild and move on as a stronger country.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Keep y'r head up high guys. Sjorbin.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
It's not a bad dream, it's not even a bad movie. No, it's the worst day we ever faced. How is it possible that some people are so sick to plan something like this.Even one day after there still no words to express the feelings.
my heart goes out to all of you!
****You never walk alone!****
Sjoske, Limburg, The Netherlands
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
My condolences to all te people in America, God bless you.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I'am shocked, the world is shockedDon't let this happen again! And don't forget to beat those SCUMS!!
Greetzz from an AJAX Supporter in Holland
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
It's hard to understand, but there's one thingYOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
All the best,
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Yesterdaymorning the most important thing on my mind was the game of this Thursday. In the afternoon and evening the consequences of this terrible tragedy became clear and feelings of disbelieve and anger came up. How could this happen, who are these idiots? I've been to these places myself and cannot believe it is really true. Thousands of people killed. People who are fathers and mothers, people who are sons and daughters. The idea of children who lost their parents in this brings tears into my eyes.May the guilty ones be punished in such a way that suits into a democratic society as the US is.
My thoughts are by all the people involved in the US and elswhere throughout the world.
Football on Wednesday and Thursday? No way! Respect for their and our democratic society does not allow under any circumstance an activity like sport or amusement. Maybe next week again.
May all the innocent people killed rest in peace.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Life will never be the same...
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I really could believe it when i heard the news yesterday.All the best 2u in this period of World Terror.
With all our Thoughts we are with you.
We keep on figthin' for everthin' !!!!!!!
AL The Respect from the Netherlands
Remko aka RedScorpion AJAX AMSTERDAM vak 127
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I really feel with all the victims in America. There are no right words for such an act, but i'll wish you all the best and as many people said here: YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
We still find it hard to believe that something like the events of september 11th could ever happen. It's beyond anything imaginable. It's shocking to realise that a city you once visited and enjoyed, will never be the same again. Although New York and Washington are quite far away, at this moment our thoughts are with the victims, the survivors, their friends and relatives and the brave people still searching for survivors.In 1998 the national football teams of the United States of America and Iran showed that religious differences and past hostility can be overcome by good sportsmanship. Maybe one day everyone in the world will realize that football (or any other sport) is the only right way to 'fight' each other. This thought may sound naive, but the alternative is war and terrorism as long as humans walk the earth.
Editors The Ajax Star Redactie De Ajax Ster
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
There are no words!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
My condolences to all the victims and family they leave behind. Unbelievable !! God Bless.Jan
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
i have no words for this disaster.My hart goes to all people in America.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I wish you all the best to solve this problem, and to fight with your pain for the ones how lost peopleRespect & peace
Rodger & Karin
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Thanks to all the wonderful Dutch Ajax fans (and those of all nationalities)who have posted their support on this board. I recently moved from NYC to Atlanta and watched in horror as my city and former neighbors were destroyed before my eyes. My cousin's wife left the 2nd building after the 1st was struck and thus her life was spared. I used to work early morning at the Stock Exchange just walking distance from the site of the former WTC. On July 30 I had a drink at Windows on the World (the former bar in the former WTC)with my ex-girl friend just before I left NYC. She lives just a few blocks away so I think she is ok but I cannot reach her by phone or email and her building has been evacuated so I am praying while I try to find her parent's number. I know when it is over I will realize I knew people who died. It means so much to know that there are good people all over the world and specifically in the Netherlands who feel the pain. Long live Ajax and their great supporters.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
We think about you and you never walk alone,be strong, We will suport you from Amsterdam
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
To our neighbours to the south, my deepest sympathy. A moment to respect to all the "heroes" that risks their lives so that others may live to see another day. Truly heroes.Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
It is heartening and comforting to hear all of the responses filled with good thoughts and support from those in Europe, Africa, and Asia. It is a difficult day to be an American.I look out at the World and wonder how there can be so much hatred for people in the U.S.A.? How can individuals conceive and carry out the senseless murder of thousands of innocent civilians? What type of insanity and mental illness do these terrorists harbor in their warped minds?
Life will go on here in the U.S. The terrorists will NOT win. Ever. Let the terrorists crawl back under the rocks (where they came from) and live out their miserable lives. All of them cowards.
Thanks to all around the world for your positive thoughts and wishes. My condolences to all friends and family of people that died or were injured in yesterday's tragedy. May this never be allowed to happen again.
In the end, we will all smile again, we will all enjoy football again, and life will go on... The terrorists have not won.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
a lot of strength in this hard time for all of you best regards,alex
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Words can not express the horror I felt when learning what happened in the USA. My thoughts are with the victims, and their families and friends. As a french paper wrote today : " We all feel American" in such terrible circonstances. An Ajax supporter from Paris
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
A verry scary time is still yet to approach, for those involved your end is near. How anyone in the world could possibly rejoice upon such a gutless attack is beyond me.prayers to all.
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Hello everybody! USA will NEVER walk alone and we will help if we can! condolences to everybody en good look! YOU"LL NEVER WALK ALONE!!!! Greets from a AJAX supporter from the Netherlands! (vak 410) Erwin.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
AMERICA WILL NEVER WALK ALONE.......A.F.C.A. & AMERICA ......can't be stopped.......
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
My condolances to all american ppl. This is indeed a horror. A nightmare....those responsible must be punished in the most extreme way!!!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
You never walk alone! Our heart goes out to all of you! You never walk alone!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
In no ways can be described the horror which i felt by seeing the images from NY and DC yesterday. I hope that all americans in general and all AJACIEDEN in the USA in particular realize that we think of them is these dark days of terror.Uor harts are with u !!!!
Tuan Delluf
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
as you will realize
that this f*cked up world
sees through shaded eyesOur thoughts are with the victims and their loved ones. One cannot conceive the havoc that struck NYC. To be honest I must say that we, the western world also need to think about our own attitude. For the sake of the world. I wish you all the best, and I also wish the Americans a lot of wisdom to make the right decisions in these troubled times.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I am OK and everyone I know here is OK. In general, unless you know people who were at work in the world trade center, or buildings immediately nearby, they are most likely ok.I live on 13th street, have friends who live in Chinatown (Canal street area) and talked to people who were at home when the planes hit, living on John street. Many people also survived who worked in or near those buildings, so if you know someone you haven't heard from, keep your hopes up, the phone lines are still overwhelmed. Given the scope of the disaster, NYC's response has been swift and orderly and people are generally helping each other. There have been rumors of such attacks for years, and I've thought about such things every time I've worked in areas like the wtc and times square, but I don't think anyone believed that such an attack would be that organized or that effective.
as far as football being trivial, yes and no--as Jim said, I'm not retreating into the bunker. The mood in nyc is very sober, but people here fully intend to carry on with their lives and live like civilised human beings.
My biggest hope right now, in addition to that they find as many survivors as possible, is that americans won't turn into thugs and start assaulting any muslims they see. Many of these people are my friends, and one of my classmates is an Arab from the west bank. I'm certain that none of these people are in any way involved, and I hope we can avoid further tragedy.
Football is still important, as it is one of the pleasures of living a civilised life, and in a way a threat like this makes me prize the pleasures that football in general and Ajax in particular have given me. But when i was in A'dam in '96, I went to Ajax-Feyenoord. It was a great experience and a great time, but i was disturbed to see people throwing bottles at the visiting supporters' bus. I am more disturbed now than i was then to think about people hurting each other because they support the wrong f**king football team. Unfortunately, I don't think the people who would do this sh*t subscribe to this list, and I don't think that my plea would mean much to the people who do that sort of thing.
Sorry to ramble off topic like this, but I live a couple miles away from the World Trade Center. I have a lot on my mind.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Speechless............................................................ ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ..................................Ben
All the best to everybody involved in this tragedy. Some extra luck to the fireman and all other rescuers.
Please do not forget: "you'll never walk alone......."
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I can't really find the right words but I just wanna condoleance everybody who lost a relative or friendIn my heart i'm with you'll Mark
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
My thoughts are with the victims, their family and friends of this tragic diseaster. Words cannot express my feelings these days, so I'll try otherwise;There's an old Irish blessing that goes: " May those who love us, love us. And those who don't love us, May God turn their hearts, And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May He turn their ankles, So we will know them by their limping."
Twisting their ankles just isn't enough...
Remember that, when you're a Ajax fan you'll never walk alone; " When you walk through a storm hold your head up high and don't be afraid of the dark at the end of the storm there's a golden sky and the sweet silver song of lark walk on through the wind walk on through the rain for your dreams be tossed and blown
walk on, walk on with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone you'll never walk alone"
Wishing you enough strength to help you through these hard times, God Bless.....
[X] Ajax [X] F-side [X] Amsterdam
Nutty Jew
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Via this way I want to wish the webmasters of Ajax-USA, and all Americans the best in those hard times. No words can express this horrible incidents and it must be unimaginable what you guys must be feeling. Since we are all supporters of OUR so beloved Ajax, I want to tell you all: You'll never walk alone!God bless America!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
To all Ajax supporters in the US:I have no words for what I've seen since yesterday. I wish all of you all the best and all the strength to deal with this tragedy. I hope Ajax can bring you some joy on these dark days.
Wouter, The Netherlands
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
From the netherlands i would like to show my condoleances to the people of the states, and i would like to wish you a lot of strength in these daysYOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE
best regards, Ralf
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
anger, fear and sadness are the keywords in my impossible attempt to express my feelings in a reation to the viscious and cowardly attacks your country has sufferd. my thoughts are with the people in the U.S. May God stand by you. Soccer has completely lost it importance in contrast of the attacks, thinks also the UEFA, therefore Ajax will not play the uefa-cup game against limasol this thursday. There are also rumours that the dutch competition game Ajax - AZ will be cancelled because of this tragedy. Again: my thoughts are with you. I wish you strength courage and wisdom in these terrifiying days please ignore my crappy EnglishRegards,
Bob Glotzbach. Utrecht, Holland
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
There are no words to express the feelings I had watching these terrible events unfold. All this distruction and death...... It is up to us the living, to make sure that we stand against all kinds of violent acts against civilians, and I mean all. None can be justified, NONE. Whether in America, Israel, Palestine, Ireland, Japan, anywhere. Acts against civilians should simply not be tolerated. May god have mercy on all of us, and may God help and strengthen the families of these victims in the days to come.Sherif Amer- Egypt
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
The worst thing i've ever seen...My condolences to the families of the victims(those are the ones that will suffer...)...Football isn't important compared to what happened,of course...That's why all the Champion League games were postponed...(and i believe that football games-and generally sports- must stop every time something bad happens,to any nation in the whole world)...Greece is by your side...
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
A terrible day ... it's difficult to know what else to say.America, and the rest of the free world, will rise from this.
All our thoughts are with you.
Rudy Toronto, Canada
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark At the end of the storm There's a golden sky And the sweet silver song of lark Walk on through the wind Walk on through the rain For your dreams be tossed and blownWalk on, walk on With hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone
My thoughts go to all the people who have become a victim of this coward attack on the United States, freedom and human rights! May God bless you all!
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
The world is shocked by this awefull act of violence that hit the USA. I want to praise all the people who are working in the area to rescue people and all the victims of this crazy act. Football isn't that important when you look at this....
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
The events of yesterday have shocked us here in Malta. Our prayers go to all those families hit by this cowardly act. The pillars of democracy and liberty have been shaken but I have no doubt that America will emerge even stonger then before after these events. May God bless you and may the terrorists get a very severe punishment. These cowardly acts must stop for ever.Alistair from MALTA.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
I don't know what to say when i saw what happened in NY and Washington. All my sympathy to the victims and their family from the bottom of my Ajax heart. You will never walk alone!!Gilbert and Barbara.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
"YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE"This is a sad day in the history of the world. My biggest support to the family of the victims and to al the people that are in the hospitol.
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Time after time we burry our victims, the Israeli terror victims, almost everyday and now it struck the heart of Amerika and maybe the heart of the free democratic world. When Israel is attacked by this kind of terror, the terror against the freedom and democracy, America supports Israel. After yesterday the otherside have to give support. I wanna say that we know the feeling of losing family due to barbaric explosions of suicide murderers and like Israel won't lose Amerika and the whole democratic world won't lose!!! There are many forces of pure evil and yesterday we saw it hit the US with such power we have never seen before. I wanna sent my deepest thoughts to everybody in the US. The democracy will win the evil everywere in the world!!! and prays to all the dead, injured and their family
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
Our thoughts go out to all those families that have lost loved ones in this madness. Bill & Lesley
-- Anonymous, September 12, 2001
The Ajax-USA family may recognize my name from the wonderful memorial Jim created for my fiance, Neil Sherman, when he passed away in January. I just exchanged some emails with Jim, and he included a link to this page with one of his messages, and I just wanted to report in from NY.I was at work in Midtown Manhattan this morning when the planes hit the World Trade Center. Being in Midtown, I was a good distance away from the site of the crashes, but one of my close friends (who is also 4 months pregnant) was at work in a building 4 blocks away from the World Trade Center. I was on the phone with her as she was sobbing as she watched one of the towers collapse. She walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, sprained an ankle badly, but made it home safe and sound. One of our other friends, who works for the same company, but in the New Jersey office, was headed into New York for a morning meeting. She got off the subway, right by the World Trade Center in time to see the second plane hit a tower. She ran with strangers away from the wall of smoke, and found refuge in a UPS building at the South Street Seaport. I just spoke with her, and thankfully, after 9 1/2 hours, she is finally in a car with her fiance, safely headed home. I've tried calling everyone I know who's number I have, but phone lines are inconsistent at best.
I ask for your prayers for a friend who is a New York City firefighter, and is a brand new Dad. I have no indication of his safety, but not knowing yet is hard.
Special thanks to all of our Dutch friends for your prayers for our country and our people. I am proud to feel a connection with your country, and ask you to join me in saying "God Bless America".
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
My work routine sees to it that I drive past the Manhattan skyline on the New Jersey turnpike regularly. The scene will never be the same again. I'm shellshocked, outraged and completely in disbelief. It is very flattering to hear from many Ajax fans and their warm wishes on this; Menno, Bastiaan, and everyone from the Netherlands and the world, your kind wishes make this difficult day a little easier to digest. If I get the chance to be in the ArenA for the Apollon match I would carry a banner to commemorate this day. My prayers to my friends in the lower east side & the village.Raymond
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
This is a totally shocking event. My condolences to the victims of this terrible act of terrorism. You'll never walk alone.Who could think of doing such a thing? I hope the persons responsible for this terror will be caught and punished severely.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Many hours later and having seen the terrible footage over and over again, I still can't believe it. My thoughts are with the American people, particularly with them who lost the ones they loved. New York, The United States nor the entire world will ever be same again after this heartless act of terror.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I was in Philadelphia earlier today when I witnessed a site I shall never forget. It was the sight of smoke wafting high into the sky. 120 miles away and the smoke from Manhattan was visible. I knew of the bombings but the shock of the moment left me in tears. A shock made worse because a friend of mine is a trade attorney in the North Tower. Communication is impossible so I am left hoping my bud is ok.When I arrived home and saw the outpouring of kindness from my fellow AJAX supporters, it really helped. But then,I always knew that AJAX supporters are the epitome of class. Thanks for helping this Yank thru a tough time.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
WE are shocked by the news, that we have seen on the television today. We want to wish you the best in the days to come, and know that you are in our minds these days. All the best, Stefan and Kim. The Netherlands. You`ll never walk alone!
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
What can I say about what happend in New York and Washington. I wish all the american people very very luck with this and I meen it from the bottom of my Ajaxhart.-----YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE--------
* * * * * ************************************ * * * * * * * * * F * * * * * * * * * ************************************ * * * * *
Greatings from Remco
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I couldn't believe it when I heard this horrifying news! I was shocked, felt completely numb when I saw the reports. How far must it come? My condoleances to those involved, in fact to everyone in the United States, it must be a terrible blow to all of it's inhabitants. Those responsible must be punished, whatever it takes!"YOU'LL NEVER WALK ALONE..."
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
No words can discribe the feeling by seeing this news from NY.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
what can you say..its the most terrifying, inhumane tragedy ever. We, in scotland are in utter shock and our hearts and souls are with you all in america.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Einighausen 11-9-2001I saw this afternoon what happened, and it was very strange to see an explosion, and not that plane on the other side of the towers. I hope the responsible will get their punishment, and I wish you strength there on the other side of the Atlantic. De western world will get her revenge on those *** ***!!!!
With a lots of sorrow,
Edgar Mostert
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Just seen the most terrible pictures and newsflashes on the Dutch TV and CNN. -- God bless America -- Condolences to the American people
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I am shocked.....two weeks ago I was walking through New York and between the Twin Towers now this happens.....My condoleances go to all the victims families and every other American. This day will never leave my memory again....peace.x x x
Greetings from Venray-Holland
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I hereby wanna send my condolences to every person in the USA who has lost a relative, friend or any other person that he/she is related to. I will think of all of you there in the states! Keep faith!!!!With the best regards TB
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Hello,I feel sorry for all Americans. Everybody in The Netherlands is shocked by the situation.
I hereby wanna send my condolences to every American who has lost a relative, friend, colleague or any other person.
We support you in these hard days.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
There are no words to descrbie this tragedy. I really feel for all of you and hope that our team, Ajax, can help a little bit in processing all of this. My best to you all.Kind Regards
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
With horror I watched the tv images on CNN this afternoon, and I was shocked about what happend in NY, Pittsburgh and Washington To all American Ajax fans who are in any way hurt by this terrible act of terrorism, I would like to send you my condolences, and wish you all the best in the dark days ahead.Patrick M. AFC Ajax F-side
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
Like many other Ajax supporters I am shocked for what happened My prayer goes out to all victims and their relatives.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001
I hereby wanna send my condolences to evey AJAX-fan in the USA who has lost a relative, friend, colleague or any other person that he/she is related to in any way with the terrible disaster today through the USA. I hope the people who are responsible will be found and punished soon. The Dutch AJAX-fans support you in these terrible days.
-- Anonymous, September 11, 2001