Thanks for suggestions for greasy heel, new treatment is working (Horses) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I ended up using what I had on hand which was a tea tree oil spray and a salve called Dy's Liquid bandage. We had used the salve previously on our colt when he got a really bad injury shortly after we got him. He tore off about 4 inch diameter of skin from the upper inside of his back leg which couldn't be stitched up without a drain. Since he had not been handed much before we got him, we didn't think that cleaning out the drain would be feasible, so we opted for cutting off the flap of skin and then we were to keep it hosed off regularly. Well, he turned out to be afraid of hoses and water, so that wasn't going to work. I had seen advertising for this salve and it sounded like the miracle cure, of course, but thought we would give it a try since he wasn't going to heal unless we did something. It was truly amazing how well it work. The beeswax and other ingredients would cover and protect the wound but also as it melted, kept it clean. He has a very small scar now, and we were so surprised at how well it worked.But back to the greasy heel....we starting putting that on the mare's heel, which did happen to be her only white foot, and it is really working. The scabs are shrinking and when they do fall off, it is already healed. She is doing much better. Again I am amazed at how well this is working. There is tea tree oil in the salve too, so since it is healing so well, we are just putting the salve on twice a day now. If anyone is interested in the salve, it comes from Advanced Biological Concepts and their website is We are very pleased with it and will always keep some on hand.
But I did appreciate all of your suggestions. I've become really hooked on reading the CS forum because it is so helpful and interesting as well as entertaining. It's like a nice way to start my morning off before I get to work. Thanks again for the help and I am looking forward to being a part of this group. I've learned a lot already and hope I can be of help to others also. Sherry
-- Sherry S, N.Fl (, September 09, 2001
Where can I get this wonder salve?
-- Soni (, September 10, 2001.
Soni,It comes from Advanced Biological Concepts in Osco, IL and the website is noted above but you can also call them at 1-800-373-5971 US or 1-800-779-3959 Canada. They have lots of other natural products especially for horses. The salve really is a wonder. Today, the scabs are all about gone and the skin is healed nicely. I was amazed again at how well it works. It is loaded with good stuff like olive oil, beeswax and pollen, tea tree oil, aloe, cod liver oil, honey and some herbs. If the colt's wound hadn't been in such an unphotographable location, we would have done before and after pictures. ABC's has before and after pictures in their catalog and online and I know from experience that they are probably not touched up. But you can order online, by phone or fax. They are very helpful. We had our mare on their Excalibur for a while to help her get in shape since she was thin when we first got her. She looked really great on it. She's got good grass now and keeps weight on nicely, but it worked well for her as a supplement. Pricey, so we don't use it now but I would if I could afford to keep her on it. Well, don't mean to sound like a commercial but the Dy's bandage is one product worth sharing with other people.
Just a funny story, but when we go out to put the salve on our mare, the colt, Robin, looks at the jar or if he smells it, he backs away. He still has memories of his ordeal and remembers that jar of stuff! He's two years old and is turning out to be a cutey. He's part TB and part Shire and has the most adorable personality. But I ramble on about my "grandkid", since he's actually my daughters horse.
Thanks again for all of the response on treatments to try. I would definitely add this one to the list. Take care all.
-- Sherry S, N.Fl (, September 10, 2001.