Threshing : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Could someone tell me how to thresh Barley? I got seduced by a seed catalogue and grew some in the community garden. It was a big hit with the old timers. Had alot of jokes about how small my combine had to be to harvest four rows! But all kidding aside I think it would work somewhat like wheat. But I am not sure. There is a hard little case around the barley pearl. The other concern I have is that this was a bearded type of barley. So it has these pokey little hairs at the end of the seeds. I would think that this would make the straw unusable for rabbit bedding. You guys are great. I have learned alot by scanning your posts new and old. And your bunny page is book marked as a favorite. Keep up the great work. always Lily
-- Lily Weaver (, September 09, 2001