Anyone having shipping problems with chicks?? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am curious how everyone is doing with shipping their chicks. Have they made it to the destination o.k within the last four days? There is an EMBARGO on at some airports or airlines, and they will not accept chicks through the USPS. Northwest no longer has a contract to carrys them with the USPS, however they have a day old poultry cargo deal that is $36 per box or something like that with an additional inspection fee?? And you have to drive to the airport to send them.? Anyways, I am wondering just who has encountered any problems and what they were. I have heard that someone had their chicks make it half way to their destination and then sent back because a airline hub would not accept them. Some on the NWA costs at...

> >

Have heard that Minneapolis is not shipping birds at all, but would like to know any actual stories. Of course McMurray has info at their site. And many others I am sure. Thanks. ~Brenda~

-- Brenda (, September 07, 2001


There is presently no live shipping of critters thru the mail. You will have to pay the price of shipping them as cargo. Many hatcheries are only shipping eggs.

Read the above post, 'Take A Look' to see what the hatcheries are attempting to do.

-- ~Rogo (, September 07, 2001.

Our local post office has announced the problem is that Northwest Air which services the USPS priority mail is refusing ALL live cargo. The word is that postal service is currently is currently trying to work out alternatives, but the hot weather is also a problem. I even had a shipment of worms and wormcast sample I was sending for evaluation at an Ag university declined for shipment. All you can do is keep checking with your post office as to progress. The other private commercial shippers still ship live cargo, but the cost is about eight times higher.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, September 07, 2001.

I picked up chicks at the post office on Thursday morning that were shipped on Tuesday morning. My Postmaster said she would take poultry for shipping and has not been told to the contrary

-- Dianne (, September 07, 2001.


I was declined on Thursday afternoon. Maybe its got something to do with climate zones and temperature extremes only. If you hear anymore, please let us know. We are blocked live shipments at this time down here. One of my neighbors can't ship his show rabbits either. Thanks.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, September 07, 2001.


-- LISA IN NE AL (J5DIECAST@AOL.COM), September 07, 2001.

I wonder if you could bypass the problem by dealing with a company that ships their own chicks direct to your local feed store? I order from Freys Hatchery near Toronto which ships their own to a feed store 5 miles away from us. Are there companies like that in the States? Then you wouldn't have to deal with either the post office or the airlines.

-- Cathy N. (, September 07, 2001.

Our postmaster informed me today that live cargo shipments are now restricted due to availability of "confirmed routing verification" of the priority shipment.This seems to have become policy within the last two days. Anything already in the que of course was processed. It could be compaired to airline flights and standby seats. Only shipments where the routing and space on a flight can be guaranteed and the live cargo can go to their destination without long layover are accepted, otherwise the shipment is handed back to the sender. Short distance shipments within a state can be route guaranteed and particular interstate routes have a guaranteed route. Apparently some live cargo shipments have had extensive holdovers in transit prompting these actions to ensure animal health and safety. My impression on what I was told is that the services involved are setting up guaranteed routes as quickly as possible to most areas.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, September 07, 2001.

What does this have to do with peta??? I can't believe thier in on this toooooo.. I wouldn't mind but doesn't pet smart own them??? I'm going to find out and IF I do I'll never shop there again... If anyone knows let me know.. I'LL STOP BUYING TODAY.. JAMES

-- james (, September 07, 2001.

I was really worried about this. My son lost his pet and I lost most of my 18 month old layers to a dog attack. We ordered 25 meat birds and 1 layer as I already have 5 month old layers. They were shipped wednesday and arrived thursday morning. This was from mcmurry. There were no problems at all, and I recieved 2 extra chicks to boot! annette

-- annette (, September 07, 2001.

Sounds like we're all going to have to buy ourselves incubators and learn how to use them. I've never tried it before because of working so much. Didn't figure I would be home enough to turn them and just never seemed to have enough money to buy one that turns them automatically.

-- r.h. in okla. (, September 07, 2001.

TO JAY jay i have not had any trouble shipping my worms thru the us post office, and we ship almost daily. by the way what type of worms are you growing? paul

-- paul a coleman (, September 08, 2001.

To Paul

If you are a commercial operation, you may already have established routing for your destinations. I am not a commercial operation, was just trying to get an evaluation and opinion of a feeding mix and the destination that I was sending to did not have a confirmed routing filed yet.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, September 08, 2001.

yes we are a large farm is south carolina ,and you can visit us at,

-- paul a coleman (, September 08, 2001.

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