Simple tools for : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Two simple tools can be very helpful in picking berries. One is to cut out a window on a one gallon plastic milk or water bottle, opposite the handle, and leaving the top intact. String a long piece of rope, shoelace, or ribbon through the handle so that when you put it over your head, the plastic bottle falls at a convenient height- waist or chest, as you prefer. Hands free picking! Be sure the plastic is food grade and has not been used for detergents or other chemicals.Secondly, for small berries like blueberries and lowbush cranberry, a boxy scoop with blunt teeth and a handle, and baffles inside to keep berries from falling back out, is very useful. In Alaska, our Walmart sells them. These berry scoops are also good for harvesting chamomile flowers for tea. If you have any other uses for them, please let me know.
-- seraphima (, September 06, 2001
The old-fashioned walking cane (with the hook handle) is great for pulling blackberry vines closer for easy picking as well, or branches for easier pruning.
-- GT (, September 06, 2001.
Oh sure, GT, now you tell me. Anyone have a recipe for removing blackberry thorns from every part of the anatomy? LOL
-- Colleen (, September 10, 2001.