Looking for sugarbush to purchasegreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I'm going to retire soon from the military and am interested in purchasing a sugarbush to run a family business of producing maple sugar products. We're primarily interested in Upstate NY, although New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Michigan would be acceptable. Does anyone have any recommendations on how I could go about finding sugarbush farms that are available for sale? Generic searches on the Internet have revealed little.
-- Alan Headrick (aheadrick@yahoo.com), September 05, 2001
Not that this may be too much help, but you might subscribe to Farming-The Journal of Northeast Agriculture. They have some real estate ads, but mainly I thought you might be interested in it because it has a large sugaring section in each issue. It's the official publication of the Vermont Sugarmaker's Association right in the magazine. I would think if you contacted some of the real estate agents listed they could check for sugar bush listings, as well. Subscriptions are free to just about anyone remotely connected with agriculture, btw. They have articles on elk farming, etc, as well. Kind of an all around farm magazine focusing on the Northeast.Farming PO Box 449 St Johnsbury, VT 05819-9929
-- Jennifer L. (Northern NYS) (jlance@nospammail.com), September 05, 2001.
If you want to e-mail me I'll give you a name and phone number for a place that might be of interest to you. The farm is near Otego,NY along the I-88 Corridor between Albany and Binghamton. The gentleman has a nice operation producing up to 400 gal. of syrup a year. I've bought supplies and a tractor from him in the past. I think he has about 80 acres of land, house, sugarshack & garage.
-- Pete FitzGerald (pdfitz@mkl.com), September 06, 2001.