Minded sensual photos by Ernesto Timorgreenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo: URL Review : One Thread |
Hi ! Ever heard of Trompe-la-mort, my personal site ? There I half-open my darkroom. Sensual photos, papers, small books... For curious amblers rather than surfers, a site which sometimes veils, sometimes reveals. French-speaking texts, but polyglot pictures! Enjoy!
-- Ernesto Timor (trompe.la.mort@free.fr), September 05, 2001
Maybe the URL would be useful !! http://www.ernestotimor.com
-- Ernesto Timor (trompe.la.mort@free.fr), September 05, 2001.
no never heard, but am curious as were this will take me.....thank you
-- Happyeveraftr (Misty56@jiffyseek.com), August 12, 2003.