Here's how to can : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Had a large windfall of bananas, and after drying, freezing, and eating as many as we could, I tried to get instructions for canning them as a puree, to use later in breads, muffins, etc. Finally got an answer from the extension service in Ft Collins, CO. Here it is if anyone gets more than they can use: Peel, mash and puree bananas, add lemon juice, fruitfresh or citric acid to prevent browning if you wish. Heat to boiling, stirring to prevent scorching, and fill hot jars to within 1/2" of top. Seal with lids and rings, and WATERBATH for 10 minutes. At my altitude, 6500', I was told to waterbath for 22 minutes. Good luck! Jan
-- Jan in CO (, September 02, 2001
I have very good success freezing the bananas whole, in their skins. To use, just pop into warm water until the skins slip off, then set aside till soft enough to mash.Or you can mash them to freeze as pulp.
-- daffodyllady (, September 02, 2001.
Jan, I'm glad I checked the archives. I just got a bag full of browning bananas, for bread. Don't have the freezer space. I can't wait to can them up tom. Thanks debbi<><
-- debbi<>< (, April 02, 2002.