Farmhouse for sale near Turtle Lake, : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
In the middle of a hunting and fishing paradise sits a mostly renovated 1½ story farmhouse on six acres.The property is located about 7 miles from the town of Turtle Lake, ND, pop. 700. Turtle Lake, which is about 75 miles north of Bismarck, has all conveniences including grocery store and several businesses. Several retired people have purchased homes in this pleasant town in recent years.
The house has 1900+ sq. ft. under roof. The interior is mostly renovated with only minor work left to be done such as finishing an 8x16' sunroom on the west side of the house. There are 2 bedrooms and a bath downstairs, a large dining room, living room, a good size kitchen with many cabinets. Upstairs there is room for two more bedrooms or an office and a bedroom, and could easily be finished off with wall coverings, etc.
There is a forced air propane furnace (new in 1998) in the basement, along with a new hot water heater and plenty of storage space for food, etc. The house sits on a high rock and mortar foundation. The house has updated plumbing, wiring, flooring, sheet rock walls, some new windows, a new asphalt shingle roof and fairly new metal siding. The propane range, electric refrigerator and window coverings go with the house.
A wood stove could easily be installed. There is ample, cheap coal in the area, or firewood is available. The house is currently hooked up to a rural water system but there also is a well on the property, and former owners report that the well only needs a new pump to be operable. The well reportedly is about 35 feet deep.
Work to be completed on the exterior of the house consists mostly of placing siding on the 3-feet high rock foundation and siding on the 8x16' sunroom & replacing the temporary plastic windows with more permanent windows on the sunroom. The sunroom is accessed by a large sliding glass patio door off the dining room and an exterior door outside. The back door steps (small deck) needs to be replaced. There is a 500 gal. propane tank, as well as 2 barns on the property.
A county maintained road from Turtle Lake runs past the house. It is paved up to within ½ mile of the house.
The house sits on 6 acres of rolling prairie with a small hill just a few feet north of the house. It is all in tame & wild prairie grass now and there are several small trees on the property. The surrounding land is all tall grass prairie. The previous owners said that the owner of the surrounding land (very friendly, who lives about a mile down the road) would be willing to sell 12 or perhaps more additional acres of adjoining land.
The previous owners were an elderly couple who could no longer care for the property.
About the Turtle Lake area: It's in the middle of fabulous hunting & fishing. There are hundreds of small and large lakes all over the region which are crowded with ducks and geese in the fall. It is easy to get permission to hunt or fish on private lakes in the area, locals report. There are so many Canada geese in the state that the Game & Fish Dept. has a special early season for them in an attempt to reduce the numbers. There also are many lakes open to public access as well. Across the road from the house, a good size pond can be seen. Huge Lake Sakakawea on the Missouri River is only about 15 miles away and offers world class salmon, walleye and bass fishing. Sportsmen come from all over the country to try their luck on the huge lake or in the waters below the dam.
This house would be suitable for either year round living or as a hunting-fishing getaway. It is in a secure area with no vandalism so the house could be winterized and used summer-fall only, if desired.
2000 taxes: $117.08.
My plans have unexpectedly changed. I am offering this property for just $35,500. It can be yours for $5000 down, and I will carry an owner contract on the remaining $30,500 for 15 years at 8@ interest. Monthly payments would be just $291.47. Or make a cash offer.
A photo of the house can be emailed to you. Email me if you are seriously interested in this property:
-- Bruce (, September 02, 2001
Bruce, Why do you have to leave, ... that is God's country! My folks just moved from a lake home on Lake Sakakawea due to age and were originally from north of McClusky (Ever hear of Lincoln Valley?). Anyone who is interested, it is lovely country.
-- JoAnn in SD (, September 03, 2001.