looking for land and or farmgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Hiya folks, just wondering if theres anyone out there that might help me out in my search for some land to buy. Looking for about 250 acres plus. Well thanks for your help
-- ralph (lord_byrons_song@yahoo.com), August 30, 2001
Are you looking for a particular state or area?Do you want water? hills? trees? good soil? No restrictions on livestock?
-- Rick#7 (rick7@postmark.net), August 30, 2001.
I know of 160 acres in Summerville Mo for 45,000. I know Summerville is a very small town in Mo, but I don't know anything about the property. If you want more infor e-mail me and I will send you the phone number on the add I saw. Good luck
-- Teresa (c3ranch@socket.net), August 30, 2001.
Boy !!! 250 acres??? that's a lot of grass to cut. (ha ha) Do you plan to farm, does it need a house and barn. North, south, east, or west ?? Where do yo live now and what do you do to make a few bucks to pay the taxman ?? I guess....I want to know more. Good Luck in your search !!
-- Helena Di Maio (windyacs@ptdprolog.net), August 30, 2001.
Ralph:What you need to do is to sit down and make a list of everything you are looking for. Probably the first item should be climate. Are you willing to put up with short winters or long winters, extremely cold winters or mild winters? Same goes for summer. Perhaps a temperate compromise, such as the Carolinas, TN, KY, MO and AR.
What options do you want for the land to provide? Animal grazing (if so, how many and what type), hunting, woodslot, etc.
How close to a town do you want to be and what would you look for there as far as infrastructure? If you want city water and septic, that rather limits you. If you want to go off the grid, you have more options.
How important is access to water (e.g., stream or pond)?
What type of road access do you want (e.g., off of a county highway or five miles back in the boonies on a logging road)?
Do you want desert or mountains? Fertile plains or the sandy soil of the South?
What do you want in the way of existing structures? A nice 50's ranch or a 100-year old fixer-upper farmhouse? What outbuildings are desired?
What job opportunities need to be available for you and your family? How important is access to a community college or regular college?
In short you need to know in great detail exactly what you are looking for before you go looking for it.
I believe there are national catalog companies which can give you a pretty good idea of what land is available where and for how much. I believe the leading one is United Farms. There is probably an agent for them somewhere in your area.
When I would request listings from a realty, I sent them a list of the top ten things I was looking for. Even then, some sent me listings not even closely related to my list. For example, I listed at least 150 pasture-suitable acres. Some sent listings with a maximum of say 50. Duhhhh?
Generally offered advice is to rent in an area in which you are interested in for a year first to experience all four seasons and to really get to know the area.
-- Ken S. in WC TN (scharabo@aol.com), August 31, 2001.
If your looking for a farm in KY I have seen quite a few for sale here. If you want more info e-mail me or post. Lexi
-- Lexi Green (whitestone11@hotmail.com), September 01, 2001.
i WOULD SUGGEST THAT you caretake a farm first, then determine if you really want to buy 250 acres. Take care, Gary C. Dunn, Publisher THE CARETAKER GAZETTE PO Box 540 River Falls, WI 54022-0540 USA (715) 426-5500 caretaker@caretaker.org www.caretaker.org
-- Gary Dunn (caretaker@caretaker.org), September 02, 2001.